Here’s Where I Take a Stand and Support the Alt-Right, and Yes, Even the Neo-Nazis – IOTW Report

Here’s Where I Take a Stand and Support the Alt-Right, and Yes, Even the Neo-Nazis

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28 Comments on Here’s Where I Take a Stand and Support the Alt-Right, and Yes, Even the Neo-Nazis

  1. Goldy Faith from Rebel Media made a good point about the Alt Right a couple days ago. The Democrats/Libtards/Media keep telling young white men they are basically evil. The root of all problems, the enemy. What the hell did they think was going to happen? Militia membership continues to sky rocket.

  2. Didn’t realize that black people with weapons have more rights than whites with weapons as black people still don’t have basic rights.

    This whole discussion has gone past preposterous.

  3. Free speech covers every citizen if you like what they say or not.
    The correct way, within the law or regulations of most cities, is to complete the request form, apply and receive a permit to voice your opinion or concerns.
    Any effort by anyone or group who denies this right is breaking the law and should be prosecuted.

    Disrupting or attacking the legal permit holder or group who have a permit is illegal.

    Place the blame where it is rightfully earned.
    The counter demonstration were not there illegally, not to debate, but disrupt, cause chaos and physically attack.
    Law enforcement allowed counter protestors to gather illegally and did not protect the rightful permit holder.

    The State, City and law enforcement failed on all counts.
    They failed the citizens of their city by allowing this to happen.

  4. BFH — I think a lot of Progressives confuse so-called “Hate Crime” with hate speech. Who taught it to her? Oh, gosh. Coulda been her school teachers, parents, her BFF’s, a professor in college, all the Progtard media….it’s all around us, right?

  5. AA, Don’t think so. If you spend 30 minutes watching CNN or Morning Blow you’ll hear that said about 12 times. I think it’s a case of “If we say it enough it’s true.”

  6. Were there any authentic Trump supporters there? I didn’t pay any attention to this event at all, except when the guy drove his car through.

    You guys probably already hashed this out on that earlier thread, but the whole thing is so suspicious. It looks to me like the so-called neoNazis was a paid, organized group and we all know BLM is a paid, organized group, and the same for the fascists of “anti-fa”. So we’ve got various paid subversives gathering and fighting each other.

    It would be amazing and wonderful if someone from Trump’s base would take out a peaceful protest permit in every mid-to-large town/city for every Saturday and Sunday for the next several months and then just not show up at all. And then deploy some people to observe where the buses come from, how the various groups gather/organize and hand out flair. That would be too, too, good.

  7. AA,
    I was working, loading and pushing NC’s’ so I had plenty of time to follow it. There were some very capable looking heavily armed Militia that showed up, (A couple black guys mixed in LOL). They showed up to support LEO and keep the peace. LEO Bailed. These people are pissed. I believe these people are true Trump supporters

  8. BB — thanks. I really do hope and pray that authentic Trump people will keep their hands clean and not be in the headlines because you and I know that as soon as they get in the news it will make our defense of the Trump Party almost impossible in this media climate. Juan Williams and Pelosi still insist that a tea party patriot spit on a black congressman and people still believe Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house. Can’t imagine the firestorm if a Trumpster got in the news for badly injuring or killing someone.

  9. Bad Brad, it’s not so much “if we say it enough it’s true” as it is “if we say it enough we can ingrain it in the leftist sheeples to the point that they will believe it’s true and shout down anyone who tries to tell them otherwise.”

  10. Hardly anybody cares about the First Amendment anymore, except as it applies to their own speech. People on the Left want people on the Right silenced, and vice versa. The days of reasoned discourse and bipartisan agreement between opposing sides are long gone, along with the practice of coming together after a Presidential election and putting the national interest ahead of partisan politics. There is a spirit of meanness that has spread across this country that is frightening to behold, and no one seems to know how to oppose it, much less stop it.

    I have to believe there are good, responsible people on both sides of the aisle in Congress, no matter how they may be portrayed by their opponents. It’s time for those people to come together to lead us out of this mess, or there will be dark days ahead. And if President Trump is half the dealmaker he says he is, he should be the one to get the hell off Twitter and take the initiative to get things started. Name-calling and making clever comments about your enemies won’t do it. We need leadership, and we need it now. Lead, or get the hell out of the way and let somebody else do it.

    Those are my somewhat disgruntled thoughts for this evening. Now everyone here can explain to me why it is impossible to accomplish all this, and maybe they are right.

    God help us if they are.

  11. Republicans had 8 years to plan and prepare to repeal Obamacare-and obviously wasted all that time doing the opposite. Meanwhile, in about 6 months the Left has managed to plan, plot and pay for the next American Civil War.


  12. Jimmy Kimmel just made an ASS of himself tonight with his scold of President Trump.
    I’m really tired of these self righteous liberals. For eight years they gave 0bama a pass. They even forgave him of his Benghazi LIE!!!!!!! WTF

    What a schmuck.

  13. @Viet Vet — I get where you’re coming from and I would ordinarily agree. However, we are at a bifurcation again in this country. Do we go along to get along with people who clearly want the destruction of our Constitutional Representative Republic? We’ve tried that for decades, nearly 100 years in fact, and it’s not working. Like you, I thought surely there were people of good will on both sides, but I’ve completely changed my mind about that now that I know what I know about the other side. They have spent their lifetimes, many of them, scheming ways to do me and my side in. Live and let live only works if the other side isn’t trying to cut you completely out of the deal.

    You say that both sides want to silence the other. I don’t think that is true at all. Look how long Occupy went on and on and on. Portland, for example, had to foot the bill to the tune of about $1,000,000.00 just to clean up the garbage and restore the plantings in just one of the parks in their Parks Blocks. And how much did taxpayers pay to clean up the pipeline protestors? More millions. And they even found a dead person among the rubbish. Both protests were illegal acts. In Seattle we now have a permanent protest going on in the main section of our downtown shopping district. It’s loud and obnoxious and the people are smoking dope, they’re dirty dirtbags who poop on the sidewalk and pee in all the doorways. The only people other than protestors you’ll find in downtown Seattle any more are unsuspecting tourists.

    I’d say people of good will have been overly reasonable in letting the other side have their say.

    The far Left is having its way at the expense of all the rest of us. The so-called alt-right is a fantasy in the minds of the Left because the alt-right is just a variation on a their theme. As D’Souza says, the Sunni and Shia fight all the time even though they are both under the umbrella of Islam.

  14. “Black Lives Matter is fighting for equality.”
    Oh, really?!? Is THAT why they get violent when people say, “All Lives Matter”…which IS equality?
    She has a really smooth delivery…not bad for such a racist cnut.

  15. yes, ok, if I agree hate speech is not protected, then I get to define what hate speech is, not you, right ?

    freakin morons, I tell ya

    all this going to lead to is the loss our rights of us citizens.

    the loss of the right to assemble.
    the loss of the right to free speech.
    the loss of the right to self defense.

    and yes it was all staged for this purpose.
    the msm is now clarifying it for the morons of this country with these shows and guests.

  16. Vietvet
    “the practice of coming together after a Presidential election and putting the national interest ahead of partisan politics.”

    Ryan, McCONnel, Lamar Alexander, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, Dean Heller, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, and Rob Portman, have repeatedly come together with the Democrats, not for the good of the country. They have no problem betraying their promises, principles and their President.

  17. Most decent people do not need to be told that Nazis and the Klan are evil. The media is not allowing coverage of the evil of Antifa, BLM, the Women’s March and the hate those groups spew. Anyone pointing that out to the left is accused of being a Nazi or Klan member. Progressives are demanding tolerance of Islam making well meaning ignorant and weak people complicit in promoting evil. If an individual disagrees he or she is deemed to be not fit for life itself. The fear for someone that lives in a very liberal city is palpable. To let a thought slip that does not agree with the left is to risk losing one’s lively hood and be completely ostracized.
    I have noticed within the last year, relatives that live on the west coast are not even able to hold a normal conversation with me. The fear of contamination from knowledge and different opinions is that great.

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