Here’s Your Allahu Akbar – Berlin Mothertrucker Shot Dead – IOTW Report

Here’s Your Allahu Akbar – Berlin Mothertrucker Shot Dead

World’s most wanted man is dead: Rookie Italian policeman guns down fugitive Berlin killer screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ after he shoots his fellow officer when they confront him in Milan

The Berlin attack suspect Anis Amri has been shot dead after a gunfight with police in Milan in the early hours of this morning, Italian security officials have said. A major international manhunt had been launched for Amri who is suspected of ploughing a lorry into crowds of revelers in the German capital on Monday night, killing 12 and maiming dozens of others. An Italian security source has now revealed the suspect has been shot dead in Sesto San Giovanni in the northern Italian city of Milan. He is understood to have pulled a gun on a patrol after being stopped for a routine ID check and shot an officer in the shoulder leaving him seriously injured. A shoot out then took place at about 3am local time and he was reportedly heard shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he tried to flee and police opened fire.


34 Comments on Here’s Your Allahu Akbar – Berlin Mothertrucker Shot Dead

  1. Now finish the job. Bomb the village that spawned him. His memorial will be a series of craters artfully adorned with rotting body parts.

    Seriously, go all Roman on their asses. Use the European Islamic invasion force/refugees to create a swath of crucified Muslims from Berlin to Damascus.

  2. He was able to attend his ISIS linked mosque 7 hours after the Berlin murders (no mosquees reported him), travel thru France and on into Italy before he was killed.

    Our politicians need to get their heads out of their anuses and realize the proposed *gasp* Trump ban on muslims *gasp* from hotbed countries is but one step and doesn’t prevent these terrorists from freely (without vetting) entering the US on standard visa/passports.

    Given the repeated incompetence of EU intelligence/security community, this is the perfect storm for our next attack. I’m sick of hearing about we need, per Hillary’s plan, “an intelligence surge” with our allies to fight this scourge. We already know who they are. Prior to Trump’s election not one of our leaders had the will to do anything about it.

  3. You mean the truck itself didn’t kill those people??? There was actually a person driving it? Who harbored malicious intent? Why didn’t the media tell me this?

    All this time I thought someone had just parked the truck nearby and just forgot to turn off the engine

  4. Why did they try to revive him. Whutta waste!
    You are not going to get any useful information out of a piece of shit like that.
    Tell him: “Here, have some bacon on the way out. Enjoy Hell Asshole.” and leave him lay there.
    We know what they are, we know where they are.
    The only thing Western leaders need to find are their balls so they can do what is needed!

  5. I’m glad the prick is dead, alas, it brings little comfort to the families of the dead, and serves to push a few more muzzies over the edge toward acting out.

    There’s no “win” in this sick game. They breed as fast as we can snuff ’em.

  6. “There’s no “win” in this sick game. They breed as fast as we can snuff ’em.”

    Actually as fast as we are currently snuffing them. If 20% of the Mosques in the US are stock piling/hiding weapons weapons, that would be a huge presence. I’ve heard ex government Intel people say they think most Mosques are ammo dumps.

  7. For starters, no male of military age should have been allowed to ‘migrate’ out of the ME or be called a refugee. That’s just plain ridiculous and naive on the part of the EU and Merkel.

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