Hero … – IOTW Report

Hero …

35 Comments on Hero …

  1. First the media tried to imply that the attacks against Asians came from white people. After the public started believing their own eyes instead of the MSM, they shifted the narrative to try and connect the attacks to President Trump, because he blamed Corona on China, or something.

  2. Deplorable Second Class June 11, 2021 at 6:43 pm

    Not sure if America is a great place any more.

    Living on this planet anywhere isn’t such a great place. I’m looking for a different home – waiting for the second coming.

  3. Too bad the third bitch laid down. The first two got what was coming to them, but that other pig wussed out when confronted with the potential consequences. Looked like he was waiting for an excuse to clean her clock, too. He knew he’d only really scored two outa three.

  4. I actually laughed out loud. So ridiculous those “women” actually thought they could do that to another person without thinking anything of it. So glad that guy came along and gave them a wooing they won’t forget. I loved seeing how he just knocked them on their a-sses with out a thought. Good riddance.

    God Bless us all!

  5. America’s OK, but it’s the people who make it great, and always have.
    Those that don’t have always been hanging saround, but really never matter, in the long run.

  6. Since Blacks can’t be racist by definition, Black attacks on Asians are not hat crimes.
    Since Blacks and Hispanics do worse in math that “whites” Asians, math is “white” supremacist. Therefore, Asians must be “white.” You can stop protesting Manzanar and racist depictions of Asians in movies and TV; they’re just another kind of “white” like Irish and Italians.


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