Hero Saves One Plane Crash Victim – Regrets Not Saving the Others – IOTW Report

Hero Saves One Plane Crash Victim – Regrets Not Saving the Others

Cordell Owens is a hero.

He heard the crash and ran towards the flames. Hearing screams he ran for an ax. He broke open the windows and the door. A 17 year-old eventually commando rolled out of the opening with severe burns. His parents perished.

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8 Comments on Hero Saves One Plane Crash Victim – Regrets Not Saving the Others

  1. One of the local stations reported that family members back in Texas said the licensed father hadn’t flown in 10 years. Could this be true? No laws to prohibit? Lord, it’s not quite like ‘Not Driving A Car’ for 10 yrs. Sad.

  2. There are many good people in this nation, they reside in rural areas, towns, suburban areas, cities, and even the dilapidated inner cities.
    We usually don’t hear about them until they are called upon to act in an extraordinary way. Their stories are rarely being told, they run contrary to the agenda of division.

  3. meyou, Once you earn your ticket, it stays with you for life. However, he should have been doing biannual flight reviews to keep current.

    The only way I see him skipping this obligation is if he owned the airplane outright and had no insurance. The insurance company would have required proof of biannual flight reviews.

    However, this begs another question. When was the aircraft last annually certified? You can just pull an aircraft out of a barn after 10 years and fly it.

  4. @old_oaks – The license doesn’t expire but the medical cert. does. IIRC, frequency of medical exam depends on age, but in any case that would lapse in much less than 10 years. (It was a very long time ago I was concerned with such things. I may be wrong today.)


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