Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages – IOTW Report

Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

GP: In a spine-chilling incident, a vigilant truck driver, who goes by the name Michael, became a hero by alerting authorities about a deeply unsettling situation.

Michael was parked in a rest area off I-10 in a border state when he witnessed a pick-up truck pull up nearby. A man and woman proceeded to unlock a padlocked cage beneath a tarp in the back of the truck, from which they released several children.

According to the video uploaded by the truck driver, the kidnappers were seen ushering the children into and out of a bathroom at the rest area before locking them back into the cage.

“I’m sitting at a rest area. This truck pulls up, opens up the back. It’s like a cage-looking thing… That guy and this lady have a whole bunch of kids in the back of that truck… And then they take the padlock off, raise the tarp, and all these kids come out the back, and they’re forcing them into the bathroom,” Michael said. more here

18 Comments on Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

  1. These 2 animals who had a bunch of children locked up like that in the back of their truck inside a locked cage should’ve been shot down like rabid dogs. Thank God for this trucker, he is truly a hero for saving these kid’s lives from these bastards. When they sentence these 2 creeps let’s hope they throw the book at them and lock them up for life or better yet execute them. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of evil behavior.

  2. Kidnapping of children used to be a capital offense. Let’s hope these two get 15 counts each with a life sentence for each count. And hopefully their lives will be short when they are sent to the slammer. Unfortunately I don’t have much faith in our Justice system.

  3. Consignment for delivery to Disney?
    Upper management must be pissed.

    The DOJ will step in to ensure that the two aren’t prosecuted.
    The trucker will probably be charged with interfering with interstate commerce.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In the movie, the hero truck driver single-handedly stops the fleeing truck and rescues the kids. The last scene is where the two kidnappers are locked in the cage, screaming for their lives while the truck barrels driverless across the desert and shoots over the edge of a cliff, crashing into the ravine far below.

  5. Article makes it sound like these were missing (presumably abducted) children, not children trafficked over the border. And the Ds insist that concern about human trafficking and pedo rings are only right-wing fear-mongering. Jesus Christ.

  6. The Pedo isn’t getting his 10% cut on that shipment. There are 200k missing children that have come over the border, looks like these kids were found.

    They are getting so overt about it now, the cabal runs on drugs, guns and kids. The cartels are the conduit.

    Demonrats have been getting billions in dark money cartel donations for decades.

    Do you think the FBI will even backtrack these kids to the source, or anyone but the two perps ewll do time?

    He’ll no, the fucking Alphabets are to busy punishing patriots abd PDJT to lift a finger against rampant sex trafficking.

    Our beloved nation is tettering on the brink of the Satanuc abyss.


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