Heroin deaths surpass gun homicides for first time: Why would we legalize drugs while banning guns? – IOTW Report

Heroin deaths surpass gun homicides for first time: Why would we legalize drugs while banning guns?


I would like to ask a question.

According to the gun-grabbers on the American left, it’s a foregone conclusion that if something is associated with a lot of problems, you need to “control” that something, by which they mean to severely restrict it or preferably ban it. Well, sort of. This applies when the thing that’s associated with problems is something the left already doesn’t like, and the left does not like guns.

So if there are deaths associated with guns, it’s simply obvious and not even necessary to discuss that we need to make it as difficult as possible to legally buy a gun, and preferably impossible. If you disagree, you don’t care about people’s lives and you’re in the back pocket of the NRA. F-bombs will be aimed at you on social media and it will be said there is no point talking to you because you want people to die.

But this does not always apply.


ht/ annie

14 Comments on Heroin deaths surpass gun homicides for first time: Why would we legalize drugs while banning guns?

  1. The answer is obvious.
    Guns are antithetical to totalitarianism.
    Drugs are not.
    Heroin, specifically, makes one inert.

    A GA State Trooper I used to know claimed that he’d MUCH rather deal with a junkie than with a drunk (as a matter of fact, a drunk (whom he was attempting to assist out of a busy road) had kicked him in the teeth, removing some).

    Guns are a threat to tyranny – heroin is a threat to the individual soul.
    Pretty simple.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Why do they outlaw guns, which often preserve life, and do nothing abut illegal guns, while demanding the legalization of lethal drugs? It’s for the same reason they’re pro-abortion and pro-sodomy.

    Because they work for me, that’s why.

  3. If you legalized *all* drugs — from meth and crack to cocaine and heroin — you’d take the romance and money out of it.

    We could deal with the problem of addicts more sanely and, like smoking, over time the problem would go away. ….Lady in Red

  4. Apparently, employers are finding it difficult to fill positions. I read a lot of economic articles, major analysts have concluded that working age people are too strung out on heroin/opioids to work. They also play a lot of video games as a result.

    The problem is we’re too compassionate about drug addicts, people ardently defend them. I see it all the time on overdose articles. I will say something similar to; Ban NARCAN and this problem will go away! I get pig piled about never having a loved one addicted to drugs, etc.

    It is the truth however. NARCAN will only make society suffer through this mess longer. Junkies will still be junkies, even after years of sobriety, they’re extremely vulnerable to using again and many do. If they would have passed peacefully without being revived, the problem would have ended.

    I get partying and having a good time. However, shooting questionable street drugs into your veins is not partying! You have to be a special kind of fcuked up to want to go that far down the rabbit hole.

  5. Like I said, rent stadiums, give em all the shit they want, sell tickets, bet on who survives.
    … tired of this crap
    Hey! Nothing else has worked

    …& yes, I do have loved ones that wasted their lives on this shit

  6. I almost lost my son to a heroin overdose and a good friend of mine lost one of his 4 sons to a heroin OD. For me it’s personal, illegal drugs are not good for you ever. And all the stupid states including my home state of Wash. legalizing the recreational use of marijuana aren’t helping the problem any. If they would of decriminalized the use of marijuana instead of legalizing it we would’ve been better off but that’s just my opinion. Being a refugee from drug use in the early to mid 70’s and saved from it I have no use for making illicit drugs legal. I have seen far too much damage and suicides etc. from people I know who became addicted to drugs and couldn’t kick the habit. I rarely even drink alcohol of any kind because that too was not good for me and I don’t like being drunk and getting sick because I had to find out the hard way just how stupid getting drunk or stoned was. Who would’ve ever thought back in the 70’s that marijuana would ever be legal, it’s a baby boomers wet dream which I want no part of.

  7. (A.) Making people’s vices illegal and then fining people and seizing their property for breaking the law are how the State makes a TON of money. It’s also how criminals benefit from those laws making drugs scarcer and make more money so they can pay off law enforcement to let them keep operating and sell even MORE drugs. It’s kinda like the Circle of Life, but with fewer Disney characters.

    (B.) We’ve had anti-drug laws in place for well over a century and instead of eliminating the drug problem, it’s gotten worse. Crack down on heroin, people turn to crack. Crack down on crack, people turn to meth. Bust meth, they go back to opioids. And so on, ad infinitum.
    So why have drug laws at all? Refer to item (A.), above.

    (C.) It has been shown that if people want something bad enough, no amount of manmade or church-made bans are going to stop them from having it. That was proved during Prohibition. So why bother banning things at all? See item (A.), above.

    (D.) So what do we do about the drug problem? You tell me. All I know is that it seems
    to me that if you can’t effectively enforce a law, maybe you need to go back and rethink
    your solution.

    Unless you just want to make a ton of money, that is.

  8. It’s all in taxables. A person can buy one gun, be satisfied and never need another. Taxed on that purchase. Person buys one fix of their favored drug, uses it, wants more. Taxed at every purchase. Big Stupid Money.$$$$$$

  9. Drug addicts are doing a big part of destroying health care. No wonder liberals love them from a safe distance. Hospitalizations for infected abscesses run in the tens of thousands. Admitted for infective endocarditis? An easy half million. Pacemaker? Follow up home health for at home IV antibiotics? Again, tens of thousands. The chances of them having insurance? Slim to none. The state refuses to pay because they haven’t filled out months of paperwork.

    So the health system has to eat it.

    If this happens in an area overrun by opioid abuse, the hospitals simply close up shop downtown, and build a new one in the nicer suburbs.


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