Heroin use fuels surge of ER visits among California millennials – IOTW Report

Heroin use fuels surge of ER visits among California millennials


California’s millennials continue to flood hospital emergency departments because of heroin, a trend that has increased steadily statewide and in Los Angeles and Orange counties over the past five years, according to the latest figures.

The state data released last week show that in the first three months of 2016, 412 adults age 20 to 29 went to emergency departments due to heroin. That’s double the number for the same time period in 2012.

Overall, emergency department visits among heroin users of all ages increased, but the sharpest was among the state’s young adults. About 1,500 emergency department visits by California’s millennials poisoned by heroin were logged in 2015 compared with fewer than 1,000 in 2012.

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13 Comments on Heroin use fuels surge of ER visits among California millennials

  1. There is plenty of evidence showing that drug abuse is nearly always a product of the lack of communication and support a person receives, rather than the physical addiction to the drug. So it stands to reason that in a region in which family values are less prevalent drug abuse will be more so. It is very sad, and I have seen it myself. And in every incidence of a friend or acquaintance in my personal life I can see the lifelong lack of support that person has received.

  2. When I used to work in a downtown ER, they’d check in and say along the lines of, “If I start to die, take care of me.”

    Then, while grinding our teeth, we’d put them on a monitor and run a lab panel (none of which they will ever pay for) as they passed out for the next 12 hours or so, taking up bed space for those who need it… Sitting in the waiting room for hours.


  3. I thought the whole idea of heroin use was the “living death” feeling it gives you. So, why are doctors trying to “save” them from their self-imposed illness?

    It ain’t free! And all of em are volunteers! Are the “pushers” grabbing people and sticking this shit into their arms?

    No “victims” here. Give em what they want.

    izlamo delenda est …

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