Hertz Starts Ditching Its EV Fleet – IOTW Report

Hertz Starts Ditching Its EV Fleet

Detroit Free Press

Rental car company giant Hertz, which made big news in 2022 when it announced it planned to buy 175,000 electric vehicles from General Motors to diversify its fleet, now says it plans to sell about a third of its global EVs this year and use the proceeds to buy gasoline-powered cars instead. More

20 Comments on Hertz Starts Ditching Its EV Fleet

  1. Gasoline powered cars? That’ll never work. The future is electric cars and charging stations and extension cords and extensive downtime.

    Get with the Biden program you prehistoric knuckle dragging MAGA retards. It’s high time you appreciated the superior intellect of Joseph Robinette Stalin. Oops. Biden.

  2. I doubt if it’s just Hurtz. We don’t travel much anymore. But we were in Maui first week of October. Budget Rent a Car was offering E.V.s at ridiculously cheap prices. No takers.

  3. They should rent nitromethane cars. lol. Why not, nitromethane has 1/4 the energy density of gasoline so it’s better for climate, right? Top Fuel Hertz cars today, an alternative to the Hertz Shelby.

  4. Son worked at some airport rent-a-car agency. They went thru the same frustration with very spendy British luxury car because of horrible reliability, scandalous down-time, and high repair cost issues. After a month or two that brand was taken out of their line up.

  5. I remember those cheesy Hertz commercials in the 60s; “Let Hertz put you in the driver’s seat…” and then the guy would drop it if the sky into the seat of an Impala convertible. OJ running through the airport was an improvement.

  6. ^^^^^^^^
    Well, stop and think about it. If you’re traveling are you going to rent an EV when you’re not really that familiar with what’s available as far as charging those damn things? Pasadena.

  7. ^^^^^^^^ and in certain places (like everywhere outside of Cali) 25% of charge points are broken. Pull up to one of those with a dead battery. Good luck. The 75% that are operational, half of those don’t charge at the advertised rate. So instead of spending 45 minutes there, you’re stuck for several hours. It’s all so stupid.

  8. Toy cars are not for serious transportation. I need to reliably get to where I’m going with predictable schedule and minimal down-time. I do NOT need to vist strange corners of urban areas and meet “new and interesting people”, att late hours and for indeterminately long periods of time.

    Besides, a gas car with a bad cylinder gives you a CEL on the dash, and an EV with a bad cell gives you a smoking molten heap of slag.

  9. @ Brad FRIDAY, 12 JANUARY 2024, 21:10 AT 9:10 PM

    Guy at work was taking the fam to Montana and ask me what I would recommend as an itinerary. He got back from the trip and all they got in was pretty much Yellowstone Park and Lewis & Clark Caverns. Travel time to and from ate up four days out of the eight and he figured that he lost two additional days charging the car and making plans around charging stations. Can’t sell the damn thing for what he still owes on it.

    Second gal at work rented a Tesla at the airport on a trip to Texas. Never again. Not even if it were free.

  10. If Biden really believed in this bullshit, he’d insist on an electric airplane to carry his sorry ass and all of his Secretaries and staff.
    And Marine One being an electric helicopter.
    And his motorcars all be electric.

    But he’s a filthy fukkin hypocrite, like all the maggots who push this bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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