‘He’s An A$$hole’: How Trump And Centrists United To Oust The Chair Of The Freedom Caucus – IOTW Report

‘He’s An A$$hole’: How Trump And Centrists United To Oust The Chair Of The Freedom Caucus

“He’s perhaps the most unlikable guy in Congress and that’s saying a lot with the likes of some others who are major league assholes,” a Republican member of Congress told the Caller. “I don’t think there is anyone in Congress, conservative or not, who would pee on Bob Good if he was on fire.”

4 Comments on ‘He’s An A$$hole’: How Trump And Centrists United To Oust The Chair Of The Freedom Caucus

  1. I don’t think John McGuire is any prize. He got elected to the Virginia senate but started his congressional campaign before he was sworn into his senate seat. Talk about a climber.

  2. I think the Freedom Caucus does more harm than good. Because basically they’re all stupid. Take Mike Lee for example. He fought Trump tooth and nail his first term. And now all of a sudden Holy Shit I miss Trump. Trump recently endorsed Mike Lee for re election so I’m assuming they sat down and had a chat which should have gone something like this, with DJT doing all the talking. “OK dumb fuck, your a damn attorney with no practical business experience, no fiscal experience, and no negotiation experience. So from now on when I yell jump, you ask how high while you’re on your way up.”
    To many stupid people in .gov.

  3. Yeah, push for that recount, you insurrectionist. Or is it not an insurrection if nobody cares. Go see if the Heritage foundation will hire you. Although you probably managed to burn that bridge, too.


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