He’s Being Rugged, And We Can’t Have That – IOTW Report

He’s Being Rugged, And We Can’t Have That

DavidThompson: In the pages of the Guardian, masculinity is once again being piously disdained.

grayson perry

This time by Mr Grayson Perry, a part-time transvestite and maker of unattractive pottery:

The Turner prize-winning artist has turned his sights on the survivalist [Bear Grylls] and his exceptionally rugged version of masculinity, arguing that it isn’t fit for the 21st century. “He celebrates a masculinity that is useless,” Perry said… Perry said that the masculine ideal presented by shows such as The Island, in which Grylls is currently putting a third group of hapless contestants through survivalist hell, is making it harder for men to successfully negotiate modern life. “Men might be good at taking the risk of stabbing someone or driving a car very fast, but when it comes to opening up, men are useless,” Perry told the Radio Times in an interview to promote his new series, All Man.

And then, because we haven’t had one in a while, a classic Guardian sentence:

“Masculinity is a decorative feature that is essentially counter-productive.”  more here

h/t SmallDeadAnimals.

14 Comments on He’s Being Rugged, And We Can’t Have That

  1. Between modern feminism (or what passes for it) and the glorification of the ‘transexual’ lifestyle, young men no longer know what being masculine means. It started with not keeping score at kids sporting events and giving out ‘participation’ awards so everything is equal and no one gets their feelings hurt. And now you have young men ‘Feelin’ the Bern’, apologizing for their whiteness and demanding safe spaces on campus. I thank god I have a daughter. And at twelve, she’s ‘more of a man’ than most college boys today.

  2. Oh. Em. Gee. This guy doesn’t even rise to the level of Beta Male. As a red blooded heterosexual woman, I prefer a masculine Alpha Male. A man doesn’t have to throw away any of his masculinity to have a sensitive side. My Mister is a REAL man, and I love it that way!

  3. This limp wristed, twinkle toed pervert knows everything about being useless and counterproductive. He knows absolutely nothing of masculinity.
    From the picture, he shows he/she has no taste or style, even for a mentally challenged pervert.
    He’s the poster child for mental disorders being accepted by politically correct liberals as “normal”.

  4. He/She/It slams Bear Grylls (I’m not a fan of Bear Grylls, preferring Grilled Bear) for an unreasonable masculine ideal. He/She/It wants what He/She/It is doing to replace it. No.

  5. On closer examination of the photograph this looks like it could actually be Joy Behar.

    (warning – always check to make sure you actually HAVE eye bleach before close examination of such photraphs)

  6. Check those negative thoughts at the door. This man-sissy will be throwing pottery in a local Target women’s room near you soon. With the blessing of Target management he/she will be applying man gravy glaze on his latest works. Give him a look see and leave that masculinity in your pants if you please.

  7. “Masculinity is a decorative feature that is essentially counter-productive.”

    Well, I guess we know how he/she/it feels about fathering and raising children.
    If we were to let these lavender-wearing limp-wrist twinkle-toes follow their natural inclinations, this problem would be reduced, if not gone, in a generation or two. Gay/Lesbian = no children. Problem dies itself out.

  8. Why do we give press time to fart knockers?
    A fag is a fag is a fag is a fag is a fag is a fag is a fag…

    Change the wardrobe and it’s still a fag.
    Why should we care what it thinks?

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