He’s Not My Favorite Guy… but…. – IOTW Report

He’s Not My Favorite Guy… but….

I’ve not been a follower of Alex Jones because of his stance on “Inside Job” and his affiliation with the “Loose Change” morons. Maniacal muslims took down the Twin Towers, a target of theirs for years.

It’s not bad to be a skeptic, and ask questions, but he went a bit too far telling the bereaved their loved ones were not on the planes and they were part of a big inside job conspiracy. That’s ridiculous.

And to tell parents their kids shot in school that they weren’t killed and were just crisis actors is also ridiculous. (Is that worth billions in defamation? No.)

Okay, having gotten that out of the way, this was reposted on Twitter-

A broken clock is right 2x a day.

11 Comments on He’s Not My Favorite Guy… but….

  1. He was right. Now everyone can see it thanks to Trump defeating Hillary. They had to adjust their pace and it exposed them.

    Wait until the Central Bank shits itself. It’s exactly what they want so they can force the digital currency on us and destroy cash.

  2. I didn’t roll the video.

    He’s that guy that you accidentally sit next to at the bar. Quick gulp and get away as fast as possible.
    Life is too short to suffer such fools.

  3. “Maniacal muslims took down the Twin Towers”
    The Carlyle Group took down the Twin Towers.
    There was a video of Trump stating right after 9-11 that it wasn’t the jets, that it was a controlled demolition. That he had visited the towers after 1993 bombing and that bomb had taken out 31 of the support columns, but didn’t fall.
    Then WTC 7 went down 5 hours later. BS

  4. Just reconfirmed
    Trey Gowdy is about as picture perfect example of a DNA retarded imbecile as you can get, The Lawyer was just on sophistrying how McCarthy won the Speaker Position with 85% of the vote. He fails to mention that to win means 218 votes. Period.

    Gowdy is as turdy as you can get. And Fox News promotes these sacks of shit as representing who exactly.

    Pure F’ing RINO.
    Run away as fast as you can from sacks like that Gowdy Ingraham Northern Virgina Mothers Club.

    Run Like Shell

  5. There were no explosives.


    There are basic questions that cannot be answered by people who delusionally believe the towers were blown up. One would be, how did the people who loaded up the building with explosives know that airplanes were going to be flown into them? Another is, where were the explosives? How did they get there? How did no one notice them? Or the wiring? WTC 7 is also interesting. How did the people who wired up that building know that debris from the airplane attack would fall and set that building on fire? That is a major detail for the plan to work, otherwise you have a building blowing up that isn’t on fire. And if the entire cockammamie plan was to actually take down WTC 7 , as we’ve heard by conspiracy theorists, why not just set that building on fire… why involve the pentagon and the plane in Shanksville?

  6. Alex Jones has been on “it” for YEARS, and he’s RARELY been wrong. So fuck all to anyone dismissing him. If it wasn’t for him, there may not have been a Donald Trump or an Elon Musk doing what they did.

  7. Steel melts at just under 3000 degrees F I Worked with THE GOD OF ACETYLENE/OXYGENE TORCH CUTTING, Robert ‘Doc’ O’Quinn. I’ve seen him cut 2″ plate by hand and with an NC machine 4″ plate…….High speed, combusted jet fuel is what brought the buildings down. Why they let the fucking Saudi’s get to do this is the biggest fucking question and it rhymes with Bush…..We will never know though, just like we won’t know Barack Obama’s true daddy, Benghazi or who killed JFK…..Kari Lake becomes Governor of Arizona. People are jailed and some executed for treason?….has to happen…..


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