OoooOooh We’re scairt!
PatriotRetort: Faux black man and Black Lives Matter hacktivist Shaun King took to Twitter to declare if Donald Trump is elected President, we will have our own coup here in America.
The Anti-Gun, Micro-aggression-fearing Social Justice Warriors are going to start a coup?!
With what army? With what weapons? A Nerf-Bat?
If we have to keep those weapons of war off our streets, what the hell else will they use for weaponry?
It will be the first Nerf bat wielding, hair-pulling, eye-scratching, safe-space retreating coup in the history of the world.
While our side is squeezing triggers, their side will be dropping trigger warnings. MORE
The hashtag army versus a well-regulated militia? Okay! I just stocked up on some more equipment.
There’s a few things he says I agree with. ” I’m Dead”. Not that tough to make happen. Did he mean coup or coop? I can.’to tell.
Is his army going to be more interested in fighting serious people that already want them dead and who are just looking for an excuse at this point, or in playing Pokemon Go and getting things pierced?
In Africa, there is a market for the body parts of albino black people. Just saying.
Maybe he meant Coupe de Ville?
More like a Coupe de Wille with da beback lights, AM/MF radio and Climax Control!
“…a coup our own selves.” His writing is as awkward as his genetic make up.
“Nerf bats” that’s some funny shit, right there!
I can imagine “General” King in his sequined silk jammies and feather hat charging up that “fabulous” hill with his Nerf bat at the ready leading a company of Brown Pampers sashaying on their walkers!
The SJWs will weep with pride!
izlamo delenda est …
@Petrus “…a coup our own selves.”
It’s like a “personal jihad” for leftists? I dunno.
And Trump as President will tell law enforcement, “by any means necessary, give no quarter.”
Dat white boy beez tripin’.
You first, white. . . uhhh. . . black. . . uhhhh. . . whatever.
Like the hotel commercial says, “We’ll keep the sights. .. uhhh. . . lights on for ya.”
Let’s do this you little fruity fake coon.
@Rat Fink: Don’t forget da ‘stenshun on the back fo’ da spare tire…
It always amuses me how the ONLY people who ever talk about a violent, Oktoberist Style Revolution are the manmby-pamby, girly-men dickwads on the Left. You know, the same people who hate guns and have Coexist bumper stickers on their Prius.
Really? Against a well-regulated militia? Come on. We’ll spot you Chicago, NYC, LA, Dee-troit, Eeefin’ Philly, B’more and San Fran-sicko. We keep flyover country, all the farms, the oil, the coal and all the privately-owned weapons. However, we can only fight on weekend, because we have to work and pay taxes to support your worthless selves.
These people give a whole new meaning to “dumber than a box of rocks”.
“A coup our own selves” sounds like they’re going to overthrow themselves. Into what, Lord only knows.
He wouldn’t, he couldn’t’ last a week w/out an EBT Card.
I started to reply that only the ones who had never been in serious, violent situations were the ones throwing out threats, but that isn’t entirely true. The jackass who shot the cops in Louisiana ran his mouth before he started murdering people.
This particular twitter turd though… that’s a different story.
I’m not threatening violence. I’m not going to start anything, all I want is to be left alone. If people screw with me, I will defend my family with every ounce of strength I have and I will have no mercy.
Vietvet – dat stenshun on the back fo’ da spare tire make a tree dead Ho trunk