“Hey Everyone, Look What I Found” – IOTW Report

“Hey Everyone, Look What I Found”

A baby dolphin was found by beach goers near Buenos Aires. Someone thought it’d be pretty cool to pose with it for pictures and a crowd gathered for a touch.


The body of the endangered animal was left on the beach after the crowd had satisfied its curiosity.


19 Comments on “Hey Everyone, Look What I Found”

  1. I have very little faith in mankind, anymore, but in this case, is it all people, or Brazilians? I live in Hawaii, which (I hate to say) is its own, little, Third World country in some ways, but I don’t think that would ever happen, here. I think there would be enough sentient human beings present to stop the Neanderthals from using a live, baby dolphin as a football to pose for selfies with. I hope.

  2. Then again many people are under the misconception that a dolphin, an air-breathing mammal, can survive out of water; also the misconception that wild animals love to be petted.

  3. Aren’t many dolphins in Wyoming . . . but . .
    I seriously doubt that they plucked a healthy one from the sea. I suspect it was injured by something, maybe a shark?

    Nature is not very hospitable, if you really understand her.
    Kind of like the wolf lovers up here . . they get all emotionally upset when it come to removing any. They should be forced to watch one of their fuzzy friends eat an animal alive from the ass forward, or kill an entire herd of bighorn sheep, or elk, then maybe eat a bit and take off. Nature is cruel ~ deal with it.
    Humans are not the only bloodthirsty species on the planet.
    . . . . We’ve just perfected it . . . .

    . . . (from the article) . . .

    It isn’t clear if the dolphin was already dead when it was discovered, but one witness said it was alive.

    “One man tried to revive the dolphin, but its wounds were serious,

    So . . . 30,000 left on planet . . . who counted & how . . . one’s gonna make a big diff . . must have a lousy reproduction rate . . . Who counted them 100 years ago? . . . How many were there then . . . ???

    Ooops . . . . off to the global warming seminar . . . .

  4. Ranger Rick – “what’s that, Flipper? There’s a Russian sub here off the Fla Keys? And they’re sneaking frogmen out of the torpedo tubes? And the GPS coordinates are…..?”

  5. OK, this is going to sound crazy, but I just had the wildest thought.

    First of all, the dolphin was probably dying when it beached itself. I can’t imagine the mother dolphin letting it happen otherwise, because they usually watch over their young very closely. Now think about this: What if, in its last moments, the baby dolphin perceived the humans as angels, or some sort of heavenly creatures, holding it, laying their hands on it, and welcoming it into the afterlife? In any event, it might have been more comforting than dying alone on a deserted beach, regardless of the motives of the people involved,

    Yeah, I’ve been called a dreamer. And worse.

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