Hey Feminists, Imam Blames Women For Their Rapes – They Deserved It the Way They Dressed and Wore Perfume – IOTW Report

Hey Feminists, Imam Blames Women For Their Rapes – They Deserved It the Way They Dressed and Wore Perfume

Still? Are you still down with the whole “I support the Muslims” thing?



Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they werehalf naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire”.

The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come.



18 Comments on Hey Feminists, Imam Blames Women For Their Rapes – They Deserved It the Way They Dressed and Wore Perfume

  1. Agree with him and defend him to the liberal scumbags. Do not oppose the muslime dogs, rather, take their side in the name of “tolerance”and “not all muslimes are bad”…

    Watch the liberals hyperventilate and spasm when you choose the muslime dog victim over the homosexual and feminist victims…

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