Hey Ho – IOTW Report

Hey Ho

19 Comments on Hey Ho

  1. How racist for a half white President to crash a Black event and appropriate all their culture like that.
    And who in the hell is the clinch faced witch? Did she just leave the vinegar tasting contest?

  2. Fur, I’m so glad that you can stomach watching this crap. I’ll wait to watch it ten years after that traitor has be scrubbed from the social memory of America.

    Oh, what the heck; I watched it. I’d rather he did this all day instead of destroying us.

    I still will never forgive him for what he did to NASA.

  3. Those kitchen parties at the Massa’s house when the colored would sing, dance and get drunk were a lot of fun. We found a few in the woodpile, but no harm was never done.
    I miss the good old days.

  4. He’s a typical dictator -partying while the nation Berns and goes to Hell(ary). The left needs to be Trumped so we can Cruz back to being a great nation again.
    Ok, enough of the corny puns.

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