Hey, How About This Spin? Company With Mostly White Men In Their Top Level Positions Becomes One of the Most Successful in the History of the Planet! – IOTW Report

Hey, How About This Spin? Company With Mostly White Men In Their Top Level Positions Becomes One of the Most Successful in the History of the Planet!

Isn’t that a valid spin?

If it’s a formula for success, why screw with it?

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Company hires best for the job and reaches record success!


The left hates the headlines above. They are busy writing hand-wringing screeds about how the city that wins the next Amazon headquarters will probably only have good news for the white men. They get all the good jobs, and the left aims to do something about it.


Sixty-one percent of Amazon’s global workforce are men, as are 75 percent of its managers. Though Amazon touts its gender pay equity (noting that women make 99.7 cents to every dollar that men make for similar positions), female employees are concentrated in lower-tier jobs.

This gender gap is reproduced across the technology industry. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the share of women in information technology occupations has not only decreased since 1990 by nearly 5 percent, but women continue to cluster in less prestigious “front-end” jobs and not in the highest paying occupations like network architects or software development. A 2017 study by the tech-heavy job board site Hired shows that even when men and women were offered the same position in the same company, women were offered lower salaries 63 percent of the time.

Tech hiring trends are even less favorable for women of color. For example, while Asian women are considered well-represented in the tech workforce overall, a revelatory 2017 report from the nonprofit Ascend Leadership revealed that they were the least likely to become managers and executives. Equally as troubling, the numbers of black women in tech actually declined by 13 percent from 2007 to 2015.


Blacks make up 14% of the total population. The left believes this means 14% of companies should have black CEOs.

Okay, which companies?

And there you have it, the very beginning of idiocy.

I demand every NBA team have 75% white people playing on it… at average heights.





17 Comments on Hey, How About This Spin? Company With Mostly White Men In Their Top Level Positions Becomes One of the Most Successful in the History of the Planet!

  1. I worked for a company in the 70’s that had about 150 employees, all white. So in the 80’s they
    were told to hire more black people. So they did. Guess what? They would not show up to work.
    They would drag in 30 min. late or just not show up. They hired 100+ black people and finally had 25 that
    were very good and came in every day.
    That would be great to have 50% whites on all NBA teams. They would never win but it would be cool.

  2. When the basic premise is so flawed, it demands more and more contortions to achieve the goal.
    Secondly, when you dispense with common sense and let emotions cloud judgement any goal is unreachable.

  3. The best industry to pursue will be ‘race conversion’.
    Because my skills, judgement, experience, and work ethic have become unimportant and I am summarily dismissed solely because of my race, I am seeking to remedy that so that I can continue to remain employed to support my family.
    Millions of other disadvantaged white guys will be seeking to do the same.
    Skin darkening, hair kinking, lip plumping…. whatever is necessary.
    Not willing to pursue the sex change weirdness. Not yet.

  4. There are not enough blacks for 14% to be at the top of every industry and occupation. We’d have to import Africans to fill the empty slots.

    And what happens to the guy who wanted to be an NBA start but was assigned to be chief of surgery instead?

  5. Racial proportion should be the Law of the Land.

    At birth, distribute HS Diplomas, BS, BA, MS, MA, PhD, MD, DDS, JD, in relative proportions to the negroes and other assorted “brown” folk. Have every company (and school) in America send them (proportionally, of course) a paycheck based on their assigned degrees and areas of “expertise,” though they’re not allowed to show up at the “workplace” and cause distension and discord.

    The gov’ts can collect taxes equitably, the negroes and brown ffolkkes can sit around smoking dope and drinking Muscatel all day without worrying about losing their jobs, and everybody else can do their jobs without the bothersome interruptions of race-baiting, crying, whining, attendance problems, tardiness, and all the other shit that goes along with it.

    Simple solutions for simple problems.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This is anecdotal, just a single instance, but my last project was for a fairly large company under an Asian woman who was Director of Finance. She was very sharp, had been there 10 years and knew the numbers inside out. But she was a lousy people person and manager. In my opinion a classic Peter Principle situation.

  7. Wait a minute, read this again: “Though Amazon touts its gender pay equity (noting that women make 99.7 cents to every dollar that men make for similar positions), female employees are concentrated in lower-tier jobs.”

    So… Amazon pays its lower-tier females 99.7 % as much as its top-tier male employees? How is that fair? What’s the point of working hard to advance to an executive position if your pay is virtually the same and your subordinates?

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