“Hey, Kids! Who Wants To See The Inside Of A Slaughter House?” – IOTW Report

“Hey, Kids! Who Wants To See The Inside Of A Slaughter House?”

The Midwestern comedic geniuses who hosted “Mystery Science Theater 3000” (MST3K for short) in the 90s never went away when The SciFi channel finally ended the show in 1999. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy (voice of Tom Servo) and Bill Corbett (voice of Crow T Robot) merely rebranded themselves “RiffTrax” and have kept right on skewering bad movies and shorts for download and DVD as well as touring and giving live performances. During this summer they’ve been posting full videos of their work to YouTube for our free enjoyment.

Today’s short is an industrial film from (what looks like) the late 60s. We get to go on a tour of Hormel’s Austin, MN meatpacking plant with a dad and his boys. Will they get out alive? Will the kids become life long vegans after seeing how “750 items” come out of this facility? The horror, the Hormel. Watch

26 Comments on “Hey, Kids! Who Wants To See The Inside Of A Slaughter House?”

  1. Our milkman did some side work as a butcher in some some small slaughter house next to a mink farm….my Dad bought a donkey from him….Hell, I dunno, I was 5 years old and they wouldn’t let me into the slaughter house, but it stunk pretty good…It was the early 60’s before Kennedy was shot….weird shit was happening…..The donkey’s name was Jasper. He bit my Dad on the shoulder and my Dad punched him in the face when we returned Jasper to the milkman….I haven’t thought about these things for years……

  2. I took my daughter and her 4H group to a local slaughter house and butcher shop when they were in high school. After they showed the kids how to butcher a steer we bought steaks and grilled them for dinner.

  3. Nah Jethro, my Dad wouldn’t have punched the milkman. That was back in the day when you got fresh milk and eggs delivered and this milkman developed a side hustle to bring you cuts of beef and pork maybe a chicken or two….long ago times….

  4. @willysgoat ~ reminds me of an old joke … farmer goes to the train station to pick up his mail-order bride. puts her in his wagon, driven by his mule. on the way home the mule stops. no amount of whipping would get the mule to move. farmer gets out & wacks the mule in the head w/ a 2×4 & states, “That’s one”. mule gets the message & move on. it happens a second time, farmer does the same routine w/ the 2×4 & states, “That’s two”. happens a third time, the farmer get out, shoots the mule & declares, “That’s three!” … new wife starts yelling, “Well, that’s fine & dandy! Now how we gone & get home?”

    farmer smiles & turns to the new wife & simply says ………. “That’s one”

  5. worked at a large Sewage Treatment Plant as an Electrician for 12 years. before 9/11 ‘Homeland Security’ lockdown scam that militarized the US we would give tours to school kids (amazing, back in those days, how curious kids were … especially at what happened after they flushed the toilet … they were fascinated)
    we would show them the Raw Water Pumping Stations, the Comminutors, the huge ‘Bio-Tanks’ where the sludge was separated from the scum. then on to the Polishing Filters, the Incinerators & Effluent Treatment.
    we NEVER showed them the Scum Tank Building or the Picking Liquor Building (which was shut down due to the unsavory odor emanating from within & settling over the local county court houses … Judges don’t like their robes smelling of eye-watering sewage)
    one time one of our ‘tour guides’ (which usually consisted of our more ‘senior’ operators & technicians) was persuaded by the school group to tour the Scum Tank Building

    hilarity ensued when the all the kids came running out retching & copiously vomiting their lunches … welcome to the real world kids!

    … & yes, sadly, he never led a tour group again

  6. I don’t have time to watch those hilarious guys that I used to watch all the time back during my college days because I’m too busy watching gay porn. Why you ask? I just wanted to spice up my raging heterosexual lifestyle a bit. Don’t tell my wife. She doesn’t need to know.

  7. When I was about 12 on e of the fathers of a fellow Girl Scout arranged a tour for our troop of a hog processing plant in Chicago. Could have been Hormel. You never saw such a bunch horrified little girls. Didn’t see the slaughter (thank god) We began with the carcasses hung from a foot like in that video and the hair stripped off with some kind of tar. We went through the whole process. It ended in a conference room where we were each given 2 lbs of bacon to take home. It took weeks to get the smell of that place out of my head. Thought I’d never eat bacon again but… well it’s bacon.

  8. My dad and his older brother raised at least 2 cows a year on my uncles farm just N. of Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho back in the 60’s and 70’s and we would butcher them in the Fall out in his cow pasture. I still don’t like butchering because we would would disembowel the cows after my uncle shot them and killed them and spill the guts out on the ground, taking out the liver and other organs we would save and taking the guts on an old car hood to the far end of the field for the coyotes and crows to dispose of. They would take the carcass to a local meat processor to be cut up and we always had fresh meat especially since there was a meat locker next door to my dads gas station. There is nothing better than fresh beef that you raise on your own and liver taken from the cow just after it’s butchered and then cooked that same day is the best liver I’ve ever had. I am not a big blood and guts fan of butchering but it was well worth it since we always knew where our beef came from. And some years we even named the cows, Zeke and Zelda were mighty tasty.

  9. If you’ve ever had a fully loaded cattle truck pass you on a hot Summer day on it’s way to the stockyards and slaughterhouse it’ll take your breath away. Those things stink like hell, pig trucks are worse, I had one pass me one day and I thought I was going to barf. PEW! And the rendering plant when it used to operate next to the stockyards in the Spokane valley was the worst on hot days.

  10. Billy Fuster
    SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 AT 1:39 PM
    “That amazing automation is what separated the U.S. from most of the world.”

    That automation is many, many generations old, I can tell from the Bordon tube chart recorders alone, Taylor was making those in the ’60s and hasn’t sold them for 40 years.

    You could do some trick stuff with relays, but it took an ENORMOUS amount of room, got pretty hot, and wasn’t particularly reliable, plus you had to rewire them physically to change your logic and even adding a physical button could be quite time consuming.

    There’s better stuff now. But smart machines make dumb people. Something breaks they just stand around and bleat until someone fixes it.

    But that SURE was a lot of WHITE people.

    Believe me, that is something you DEFINITELY won’t see in a modern food plant…


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