Hey Left – I Identify As Someone You Don’t Get To Control or Intimidate – IOTW Report

Hey Left – I Identify As Someone You Don’t Get To Control or Intimidate

Why Online Anonymity frightens Progressives

The United States, as we know it today, was born in an anonymous debate.

14 Comments on Hey Left – I Identify As Someone You Don’t Get To Control or Intimidate

  1. Good article. There is a lot to be said about the ability to present your ideas and thoughts and have those ideas and thoughts be judged on their merit and not be judged by who presents them.

  2. I need to clarify – anonymity is good when arguments are based on reason and facts presented in logical fashion. My comment is geared to those that attempt to try intimidate me.

  3. This will freak you out, but my name is not actually Chief IlliniCake.

    Please forgive me.

    I’m actually a middle aged white dude from a leafy, 99% white populated suburb in Lake County, Illinois.

    But the weird thing is, this nom de plume was started here, by me, on IOTW in 2009, and as the years go by, I’ve gotten more selective in what I’ll post under it.

    I actually care about the “Chief” and what people think about him, and I’ve gotten more sensitive about things like hurting people’s feelings as the years (Obama years, actually) roll by.

    And I give a crap that people like my comments.

    Sorta like it’s actually me. I guess by now it actually is.


    An observation… it’s funny how sometimes I’ll read the comments here and see some stuff that strikes me as particularly rash or rude, and think, if it was your real name, would you still say it?

    And of course, the answer, often, is no. Which is why this site is such an effective sledgehammer towards Leftist Douchebaggery. But it also perhaps unwittingly plays into the Leftist’s hands. It’s a point of debate to be sure. But often it’s still maybe a scosche ruder than you needed to be.

    But that’s splitting hairs.

    Anyhow, Happy New Year, folks. I hope 2016 is fucking Trumptastic, and I welcome a site where you can say “fucking Trumptastic”.

  4. Chief,

    I like reading your comments, but unlike you, I don’t give a shit what people think of me or my posts. People seem to agree with what I vocalize, however.

    Also……… yes, I would say the same things under my own name, but I do it in person and I choose my company. I share opinions with like-minded people all the time – often different like-minded people that I meet on a daily basis. It is inherent within the job that I do, (I sell guns).

    At times, I run into the typical progtardedness associated with living and working in Californiastan, but I have learned to keep needless discussion minimal because I refuse to argue with idiots.

    We are who we are. Hopefully I bring a different firing solution to the topics here.

    PS – anonymity is an illusion.

    They know who we are.

    Cheers everyone, I think it’s gonna be a tumultuous year. It’s gonna be one of those years where you realize who your true friends are.

  5. Any argument must be able to stand on its own merits, not by propping it up with agenda-driven peer-pressure. If the Left wants to go down that road of no on-line anonymity (and they do of course), believe me it won’t stop there. Say goodbye to the freedom of voting your conscience and every other freedom. We’ve already seen it with union “Card Check” (another great name that hides their true intent). The elimination of anonymity is simply one more step toward Totalitarian control. Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?
    The Thin-Skinned Left happened, that’s what! BTW – Is is OK to be racist against Thin-Skinned people?
    They’re here to kill off common sense, sanity, sound arguments and even the the most basic instinct of self-preservation in their attempt to turn us into a fractured nation dependent on the government, stripped of the ability to counter their Communist pretzel logic!

  6. I endeavor to never write anything rash or rude, or that could be mistaken as mean-spirited or nasty … and yes, I am Tim.

    I want everyone who reads my comments to get a kind of warm and fuzzy feeling … especially the filthy fucking ragheads, the illegal alien invading rat-people, and the parasitic feral savages who infest our cities.

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