Hey Leftist, Leave Those Kids Alone – IOTW Report

Hey Leftist, Leave Those Kids Alone

Two researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have looked at the scientific research on “sexual orientation, gender identity, and LGBT health.”  Their findings call in to question many of the assumptions underlying the left’s obsession with interfering with normal child development.




17 Comments on Hey Leftist, Leave Those Kids Alone

  1. One thing the article/research does not explicate is that Progressivism is the underlying mental illness that skews the scientific underpinnings of all disciplines. If there is a way to screw up humanity and the planet, there’s a Progressive app for that!

  2. Let’s just one thing straight….leftists don’t give a shit about “transgender” kids or adults. They only push the agenda as to destroy the status quo as far as traditional thinking goes. The left always creates problems to serve their agenda….that’s it period!!!! I can never be around much less be friends with anyone of these bizarro world, Utopia hopin’ pantloads!

  3. Johns Hopkins stopped doing gender reassignment in the 70’s

    (Snip)We at Johns Hopkins University—which in the 1960s was the first American medical center to venture into “sex-reassignment surgery”—launched a study in the 1970s comparing the outcomes of transgendered people who had the surgery with the outcomes of those who did not. Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as “satisfied” by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery. And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a “satisfied” but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs.


  4. My grandson has five girl cousins so he frequently said he wanted to be a girl, starting at around age three. However, we just always told him that was ridiculous because he’s a perfectly good boy. I am so glad he isn’t being raised by weirdos that would mess him up permanently. Toddlers are all over the map; both sexes like a lot of the same things and it has nothing to do with gender. He’s five now and, yes, he’s all boy.

  5. “That vile Creature created her Trans Child and should be Jailed for this perverted effort!”

    Fuggin’ A right!

    She/they do it as a status symbol. Sick.

    And that look on the face of the sign-waving nitwit. The worst of the libs have that very same damn stupid look on their faces

  6. The good Lord created male and female– I don’t think when Adam saw Eve he said, gosh, I sure would like to be like her… Man up and be who you are- if your a women, then be a women–have kids- cook dinner and support your man—-don’t become a man….

  7. From the link: “an ongoing public conversation regarding human sexuality and identity.”

    Yeah, that.

    And to save us all a shitload of time, address it as the mental illness/ mental defect it is in the case of the ‘gender confused’ that have been catered to by the current crop of Dr. Mengla’s that are all too happy to take a knife to them.

    They weren’t ‘born in the wrong body’. They are mentally ill and have refused the gender they walk around in. That is a mental defect and no amount of surgery will correct that.

    I figured this out thirty years ago and I have no doctorate in physical nor mental health. But, I’m not stupid.

    Homosexuality is also a mental defect. It usually doesn’t result in physical maiming, several I’ve known have adapted to their illness quite well and don’t seem to suffer inordinately from it.

    Now, I’m going to kick the legs out from under those that would like to gnaw my head off for what I just said. Not that I care, but full disclosure is warranted.

    I wouldn’t be here today without a gay friend of mine. When my wife died suddenly five years ago she was the one found it in her heart to be there when my shit got unraveled. I love her dearly. And I know she loves me. She was delighted when I got remarried this past May. She was there for the celebration.

    I have no hate, no animosity for people who’s brains for what ever reason have looked upon their existence and made choices different than their biology compels. But it isn’t normal.

    Human sexuality is complicated and fraught with examples among the populace that veer widely. Toe suckers, pedophiles, necrophiliacs, fetishists, sadists, masochists and quite likely a bunch I’ve never heard of. Whole lotta’ ways we get ‘mis-wired’.

    But surgery in the case of the ‘gender confused’ is just wrong. You would have better results lopping off the frontal cortex.

  8. So she loves her pervert child.
    That’s to be expected.

    But does she DESIRE that her child be a pervert?
    THAT is the question.

    Who would wish that (pain, sufferring, torment, a life of perversion, and, ultimately, an eternity in Hell) on her child?

    izlamo delenda est …

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