Hey Rubes in Flyover – Bloomberg Says You’re Stupid – IOTW Report

Hey Rubes in Flyover – Bloomberg Says You’re Stupid

20 Comments on Hey Rubes in Flyover – Bloomberg Says You’re Stupid

  1. Talk about living in a bubble. This clown has absolutely no clue what the rest of the world is like. Totally clueless. Bet he couldn’t function at a dinner table with just one fork, spoon and knife.

  2. “We the intelligentsia, those of us that could get into this room”. Someone really needs to kick his ass! Maybe we could find one of those fighting midgets to pick a fight with him.

  3. Well, I guess this means that there is no reason for President Donald J. Trump to make a play for the 0.0001 percent of the voting population that identify as totally screwed up. Bloomybergy has got them locked up in his big bathroom.

  4. Dear Ignorant Asshat:

    I now live in flyover country, but I spent 40 years in progressive California. I believe in individual rights. However, the right of women to share locker rooms and bathrooms with members of their own sex is an individual right that trumps the right of trannies to invade these spaces. Your statement implies that the individual rights of trannies overrides the individual rights of women is just plain wrong.

    You even undercut your own argument by stating that New York segregates men and women on the basis of genitalia. Your candidacy may have more impact if you pander to the vast majority of Americans instead of a lunatic fringe.

  5. Once again Mini Mussolini shows his disdain towards his fellow Americans. But then I guess you could expect nothing less from a spoon fed poltroon who who admires and models his dream country after Communist China.

  6. Bloomberg: “The stuff the tiny minority of bat shit crazy people in this room believes in is not believed by the rest of the world.”

    “In fact, people in the Midwest of America often call us out on our bat shit crazy ideas.”


    “We need to lock black people up.”

    “Holy crap black people vote.”

  7. So I’m stupid – I can educate myself.
    You’re vertically challenged – what are you going to do, grow up?
    Insulting the voting public, just like Hitlary did. That went well.
    Who’s stupid?


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