This is the only way to handle street protesters who think they have the right to control society because… they can’t control society.
HT/ Adam Baldwin
This is the only way to handle street protesters who think they have the right to control society because… they can’t control society.
HT/ Adam Baldwin
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It’d be a laff riot if it was LaKeisha Holloway out on bail and texting about rayciss sherfs while driving. I mean, more of a laff riot.
Black cars matter.
(Someone would eventually have said it.)
Yes but do black and white police cars matter? Probably not in this PC day and age.
#Hit it harder
They need to track that driver down and GIVE HIM/HER A MEDAL!
Is it wrong that I laughed?
The Daily Funny Pages! Throw in a couple of flattened bicycle riders for more laughs.
So, you get a ticket for texting while driving?
Damn, I just can’t stop watching it.
When a car comes at me, I get out of it’s path and don’t try to block it.
Darwin Theory at it’s finest example.
Hereeeeeeee’s yer sign.
I suppose I shouldn’t laugh, but Lordy, that was hilarious. I too watched it over a dozen times.
1500lb car meets 150lb Hipster, at the hip.
That got me in the Christmas Spirit!
When I’m locked up in a paddy wagon, I tho myseff around til my neck break. Now who dis Darwin dude?
The more I watch, the more I’m disgusted at that car…. disgusted that it wasn’t a Peterbilt.
I wan to use this for the wall paper on my desktop at work!
Yes. It’s wrong. But I’m willing to pay the price. 🙂
If black lives matter, why aren’t they down at Planned Parenthood protesting the abortion of black babies?
“hey dad, i’m going bowling, can i borrow the car?” takes on a whole new meaning.
Been there, done that – got the t-shirt
Pavement apes! Over a year ago I commented on youtube about some fine upstanding yutes brawling in a McDonald’s as is so often the case with these good people. A couple weeks ago I get notification of a response attached to my comment. Apparently Farah just found out about what her daddy be doing brawling at the MacDonalds. I shortened her name and change mine to Me, here’s some of the exchange, she was targeting everyone on the thread where I simply said, fucking pavement apes.
Farah D
Dec 13, 2015
Dec 13, 2015
+Farah D Who, the niggers?
Farah D
Dec 13, 2015
+Me no u bitch
Farah D
Dec 13, 2015
and my dad not racists
Dec 13, 2015
+Farah D But he is a pavement ape?
Farah D
Dec 22, 2015
Indecent people relying on your sense of decency not to do the indecent thing while condemning you for being indecent.
Can’t say I don’t understand how the guy behind the wheel feels.
Those were all white hipster doofuses. Where were the black people?
Don’t they matter? lolol
The dumbass who got hit actually went to the side to block that car.
I don’t see anything wrong with what the driver did. The light was green and they jumped in front of the car. Jaywalking with intent. lol
Isn’t peterbilt the name of the operation that female transsexuals have? You know – as in “I got a peterbilt.”…
Only thing I see wrong with this is that the driver didn’t back up and take another chaw.
Guess I’m old fashioned remembering a different take when a gal truck driver with a new truck was asked by another driver, “How do you like your Peterbilt.” Without a miss’n a beat she said, “as big around as a beer can and twice as long. That leaves you out.” 😉
My bat-shit crazy ex-mother-in-law did this when a bunch of Obama’s people formed a sub-human chain across the rural road she needed to travel to get home from work one night. She stopped about fifty yards short, got her gun ready, then floored it and never let up as she blasted away into the air as they leaped to safety in fear of their worthless lives. I wish I would have seen that.
make like ted, grab one of the women and go swimmen
Yeah, I remember that one too, but like you say, it’s pretty old so I thought I would try to put a new twist on it.
P.S. – I also remember “Old truckers never die, they just get a new Peterbilt.”
That is one of the only times I liked a video that did auto replay.