“Hey, there’s a body in the trunk!” – IOTW Report

“Hey, there’s a body in the trunk!”

12 Comments on “Hey, there’s a body in the trunk!”

  1. And no doubt, a defense attorney will claim it was an illegal search, and the Soros DA will plea bargain it down to a speeding ticket. I’m sure the cop was racist, and the city will end up paying the perp six figure damages.

  2. No I.D. Always sketchy identity, usually multiple aliases.

    “Where do you live?” is futile as it’s a “white” concept.

    The proper question in these situations is “Where you stay at?”

  3. Kids been taught to think laws don’t apply to him and is really surprised, bein’ black n all, they stopped him. Expected the cops to just say “OK, yer good to go..and don’t keep that body in the trunk too much longer or it’ll start to stink. Jus dump it somewheres outta the sun”


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