Hey, What Are You Doing?! – IOTW Report

Hey, What Are You Doing?!

Images from:

1 McFartus (Tank drinking from nature’s rainfall in his wheel barrow)
2 Bobcat (Home Sweet Home)
3 The Rat Fink
4 Sturge
5 Sturge
6 Tyler (Moxie)
7 Tyler (Link)
8 Claudia (Ivan)
9 Little Sis (Pistol)

Please submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Critters in Spring
Sleepy critters
Surprised looks

Attention: What would you think about having a contest? I have some ideas and have been getting a few from you readers, too. I think it would be fun. I could give the winner a very impressive and world-renowned prize. Ready for it?

10,000 iOTWr bucks*! WooHoo!!!!! Let me know what you think in the comments. Also, email me at the above email with your ideas of a good (or better yet, GREAT) contest theme!


*For those of you new to our site, iOTWr bucks are not equivalent to any monetary unit; just our undying love and affection! (Fur made me say that. hehe, not really!)

16 Comments on Hey, What Are You Doing?!

  1. I just love our Sunday morning animals!
    Simultaneously sharing some of your family and starting the new week refocused.
    Thanks to all who contribute and thank you very much for posting, Claudia,

  2. Always great to start the week with Claudia’s Critters. Thank you Claudia.
    BTW, the tax on 10,000 IOTW bucks is soul-crushingly high, so the winner shouldn’t expect to retire to a South Sea island on the winnings. JFYI

  3. Thanks Claudia. Some brief history on Tank. He was rescued from a backyard breeder in W VA, spent most of his first 2 years crated most of the day. Never allowed indoors and spent freezing winters and burning summers outdoors, same with the other 24 dogs rescued. We adopted him last march. Now he has his own couch indoors and his bud Maya. Please adopt, if u can, and don’t shop. 😇

  4. @MJA
    What remains can no longer be called curtains. Also on the “damaged and destroyed” list are Venetian blinds, valences, window screens, shower curtain, and anything with strings.


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