“Hey, Your Husband’s Still Alive!” – IOTW Report

“Hey, Your Husband’s Still Alive!”

“No sh!t!,” the wife exclaimed.

A woman was told by just about everybody that her husband had suffered a fatal heart attack and was dead. She didn’t think so. She said they were wrong, that he was alive.

They said she was witnessing “life expelling from his body,” so there’d be some movement.

She said, “he tried to hug me.”


They said this was normal because he was only 46 and had “a lot of life to expel.”

After 2 hours the doctor, a complete moron named Dr. Gregory Perry (if you have an appointment with him, cancel it) relented and checked out his “dead” patient. He was alive!

Why, at that point, he was rushed to another hospital is beyond me. The rest of the story doesn’t go so great. Read Here.

1 Comment on “Hey, Your Husband’s Still Alive!”

  1. No way it goes to trial. She’s already the owner of that hospital. Poor lady… She should’ve called 911 from the hospital itself. That would’ve gotten some attention for her husband!

    And where the hell did they get that doc? Out of the same mud hut Obama’s family lives in?!?

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