Hickenlooper Contradicts Himself in Testimony Before Ethics Panel – IOTW Report

Hickenlooper Contradicts Himself in Testimony Before Ethics Panel

Dem Senate candidate characterized lunch with Clinton aide as not political, despite having admitted to discussing campaign strategy.

WFB: Former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper appeared to contradict himself when he testified before an ethics panel last week, a move that may complicate his bid to unseat Sen. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.).

Hickenlooper, whose acceptance of gifts from political donors has been the subject of an ongoing ethics trial, told officials that a 2019 lunch he had with a former Clinton aide was a personal meeting unrelated to politics. But the statement appears to conflict with Hickenlooper’s previous claim that the two had discussed strategy for his failed 2020 presidential bid.

Hickenlooper twice violated the state’s gift ban when he accepted free luxury travel while serving as governor, a Colorado state ethics commission ruled on Friday. He was found not guilty on four other violations, including a 2019 flight from New Jersey to Colorado on a supporter’s private jet. At the hearing, Hickenlooper testified under oath that he had lunched with longtime Bill Clinton adviser Vernon Jordan in New York City during that trip and he characterized the lunch as personal rather than political. However, he said in an interview last year that the two had discussed presidential campaign strategy. READ MORE

13 Comments on Hickenlooper Contradicts Himself in Testimony Before Ethics Panel

  1. If you’re a Republican you end up prosecuted for lying if you do that, even when deliberately tricked into it.

    But Hickenlooper is a Democrat, so don’t expect a lot.

  2. Yes, he had lunch with longtime Bill Clinton adviser Vernon Jordan… just a casual, little get-together to discuss pleasantries, grandchildren, travels, golf, yoga, etc. yada, yada, yada…

    Where have we hoid that before?

  3. If you are a Demonrat being “investigated “ by the FBI (Sarc) for graft, malfeasance and misappropriated gifts while soliciting bribery you can literally wake up naked on the floor of a by the hour hotel after a gay crack party with your arm around a dead guy and not face prosecution.

    So if you think this hurts Dickenloser at all you would be wrong. Immunity is a superpower granted by the cabal to all its minions,

  4. John Hickenlooper lies so much that his own dogs won’t come when he calls them…..LOLOL…..His primary opponent is a stick figure phony too….Republican (in name only) Cory Gardner’s Senate seat is at extreme risk, but it probably doesn’t matter because Colorado is a lost cause blue state now…..

  5. His reelection, on top of legalizing reefer were the last straws for me. The dude is a lying scumbag, made me sick having to see him as Gov.

    Couple it with the abandonment of Tom Tancredo, who would have been an incredible Gov, by the Republican Party, I just had to GTFO of there.

    Of course as willys correctly notes Cory Gardener isn’t much better(he put together the infamous Sea Island meeting with TPTB to make sure Trump did not get the nomination) but he didn’t vote for impeachment.

    If the dems keep the House and pick up some seats in the Senate, look for Impeachment v.2.

  6. I used to work for a company that had Hickenlooper come in to talk. When he was talking about business (he did run a successful business), he was very good. Unfortunately, he is a politician (doesn’t matter whether a D or R) and can be expected to lie or spin the truth.
    God forbid he actually beats Gardner, though I am not a huge Gardner fan. Gardner, being a squishy Republican will still generally be a vote for the R side of things.

  7. I know Gardner and Hickenlooper both personally. No contest. Gardner is a great guy and a far, far, far better choice for people like us. He’s the most conservative person Colorado has any chance electing. Years ago I spoke with a representatives of one of Colorado’s progressive billionaires about why they were supporting a douche bag candidate. The answer? Because he had a D behind his name. He figured that once the guy was elected they could pound him around to get what they wanted, which proved to be true. In contrast, conservatives want to be purest and withhold our support from somebody who may not be ideologically pure. That’s why Democrats win in places like Colorado. They ride for the brand and we ride the rail


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