Hideous – IOTW Report



Fashion leader Gucci revealed its fully feminized, emasculated clothing creations for men during Milan’s Fashion Week earlier this year, dressing young, mostly male models in outfits that aped the clothing of little girls and homeless women.

The all-out assault on masculinity took place in Milan’s Palazzo delle Scintille in January, showcasing designer Alessando Michele’s “deconstruction of masculinity through which he hoped to hint at nontoxic alternatives and the positivity of being strange,” according to Vogue. More

39 Comments on Hideous

  1. Are you certain that isn’t the new cast of zombies for The Walking Dead?

    Holy moly, the expressions on the models says it all.

    DEATH WARMED OVER collection.

    Gads, the one in the red dress was as far as I got. They look like they were rescued from a Nazi camp. Especially the one in red. ‘LADY IN RED’? Ugh.

  2. I think it’s a concerted effort. The WSJ. had a weekend article, ‘WHY DON’T MEN WEAR BALLET SLIPPERS!?!?!’

    Well, I guess because they don’t go with any of the dresses from Gucci.

    Just once I’d like to see a dirty long haired dude in a Motorhead wife beater stroll down the runway drinking a beer while flippin’ off everyone.

  3. “Just once I’d like to see a dirty long haired dude in a Motorhead wife beater stroll down the runway drinking a beer while flippin’ off everyone.”

    Or, as we call it, this year’s best seller in actual men’s wear.

  4. I haven’t dated for at least 5 years you don’t know what your gonna get, whether it be a tranny, bisexual, gay, marxist, commie, demonrat, etc.. Where oh where has The Marlboro Man gone?

  5. No wonder the leftists are not-breeding themselves out of existence. What woman in her right mind would want to give space in her uterus to that DNA?

    Meanwhile, feast your eyes on ACB’s platoon of future conservative superstars. Awesome looking family, and all in boring old cisgender dresses, jackets, and ties!

  6. Clicked the “Vogue” link and was going to move away around 1:15 when the pink dress showed up. Like a car wreck, I just had to look a little longer. This is way beyond Whiskey Tango Fox Trot.

    If fact let me help Dr. Tar…
    (Computer Dictionary…)

    the scenes were too hideous to watch: ugly, repulsive, repellent, unsightly, revolting, gruesome, grotesque, monstrous, ghastly; awful, terrible, appalling, dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrendous, horrific, horrifying, shocking, sickening, unspeakable, abhorrent, heinous, abominable, foul, vile, odious, execrable; informal as ugly as sin; vulgar slang fugly.

  7. The very first Fashion show I ever heard of featured clothes I never saw in public and looked ridiculously hideous. I wondered who the hell wore them off the walkway and where? That was the 70s.

    No difference from the 70s until now. All crap all the time.

    They are certainly in a bubble of their own making.

  8. Oh, good grief. This feminization of men is so pervasive, it makes me sick.

    Two of my siblings both have boys in their mid 20s that were raised conservative and were taught how to be men (one of them was in the Navy). They both have very strong domineering girlfriends who have essentially cut them off from their families. How they allowed themselves to be led around by these girls who have them on a very short leash, I can’t comprehend.

    Believe me, men; real women love toxic masculinity. It’s a tonic for what ails this society and we love that agreeable aroma of manliness. Sigh…

  9. Now I feel like a salt pillar…

    I looked and now it’s too late!

    That should be labeled NSFW – Not Suitable For WATCHING.

    “This feminization of men is so pervasive, it makes me sick.” – C

    @C – I AGREE, you know I have two young teenagers, YOU met them, that I am trying to a) raise as MEN and b) NEVER forget where they came from and WHO exactly brought them into this world!!

    IOW I will KICK their asses IF they even think of putting their mom (or me) on the back shelf…we have invested too much!

    Eff that!

  10. This designer ought be severely punished. For his punishment he will need to wear his full line for the whole year, in public (peeing like a girl not allowed, even at night)

  11. Hey Claudia, right on with “Real women love toxic masculinity”. Ghost was going to get a haircut. I told him it was getting to long and unkept. Come home looking like “Mike Flynn” and then we will, uhm talk. But than it’s real woman too. I see these little girls in 30 year old bodies. They are use to the soy boy by that age and think nothing of it. Or I even think they expect the man to take their last name when and if they get married (I’ve seen that a few times in my family and friends). The world is changing around us. Pray everyday!

    God Bless us all!!

  12. Gucci $3-Bill Fall Winter 2020 fashion.

    No $3 isn’t the price, it’s a hint at a description of their target buyers.

    If they were all really born males. There wasn’t a boy or a man in the bunch. If they wear those clothes outside, they better stay in the queer neighborhoods. Who ever designs clothes for Gucci has been inhaling lint and thread fibers for a long time, clogging up their air intake vents, have overheated, and cooked their brains.

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