High Heel Hitler – IOTW Report

High Heel Hitler

A German artist researching the daily lives of soldiers in Hitler’s Wehrmacht found a surprising number of photos of cross dressing warriors. More

19 Comments on High Heel Hitler

  1. I think that Scott Lively wrote about this in a little book called “The Pink Swastika…”

    Short version?: The LGBT crowd does not include tolerance in their end game.

  2. I have a picture of myself in drag (dressed up as a beach beauty) from a crossing the equator (Shellback initiation) event in 1973 while in the Navy – there are 12 of us – does that count?

  3. I too am a Shellback having crossed the Equator on March 18, 1974 on board the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 on our way South to Mombasa, Kenya. And yes I remember some of the sailors dressed in drag as part of the Shellback initiation. What else were they supposed to do back then when all the Navy ships were all male crews? My wife framed my large Shellback certificate for me years ago which reads, To all sailors wherever ye may be: and to all the mermaids, whales, sea serpents, porpoises, sharks, dolphins, eels, skates, suckers, crabs, lobsters and all other living things of the Sea. Greeting: Know ye that on this 18th day of March 1974 in Latitude 00000 and Longitude 046′ 18.8′ there appeared on Our Royal Domain the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) bound South for the equator and Mombasa, Kenya signed by Davey Jones his Majesty’s scribe and Neptunus Rex Ruler of the raging main. A great time was had by all after the rather disgusting initiation of running thru a gauntlet of already initiated Shellbacks with shilallees (clubs) pounding on our backs, swimming thru a plastic chute full of trash and garbage, kissing the toe of the head shellback dressed in drag with a blonde wig and coconut boobs and taking a saltwater shower on the flight deck afterwards to get cleaned up and then it was great a big party with a BBQ up on the deck, it was a great day.

  4. A perverse ideology produces perversion is a surprise?
    Check out the parades in San Francisco.

    Socialism – either National or Inter-National – produces fucked-up people.
    That’s just a fact. Can’t be helped. You have to have a pretty fucked-up mind to adhere to such stupidity in the first place.

    And as for the Krauts – wasn’t there a Prussian General who died (of a heart attack, I believe) while dressed in a Tutu, performing a ballet for the Kaiser? Can’t remember his name (getting old sux).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim November 7, 2018 at 9:40 am

    Yes, I’ve read about that guy in a book by Barbara Tuchman on WWI (The Guns of August). She used it as an example of the Imperial German High Command. I’m not sure about the context…maybe it was done as a joke, or maybe its just apocryphal. Tuchman, a Jewish lady, didn’t care much for Germans…maybe she went out of her way to editorialize a bit.

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