High school Administrator Approved Enhanced Sexual Techniques Video Be Shown To Ninth Grade Girls – IOTW Report

High school Administrator Approved Enhanced Sexual Techniques Video Be Shown To Ninth Grade Girls

Stuff like this makes one wonder if school administrators are fed up with the underage girls they molest not knowing what they are doing. What else can be the motivation for okaying a video on sexual technique for 9th graders?

I can understand teaching kids about the reproductive process and the science and biology of how babies are made, but someone must have a nefarious agenda when they teach 13 and 14 year-old girls about prostate massages while giving head.

Yes, you read that right, that’s what this video was about.


more at Downtrend.

20 Comments on High school Administrator Approved Enhanced Sexual Techniques Video Be Shown To Ninth Grade Girls

  1. The biggest threat to your children is the RAPING scumbag teachers and Child Molester Teachers that are an epidemic today. Not Cops… TEACHERS. Every single day 10 children are molested or raped by a scumbag teacher in this country and not a damn thing is done about it. Soon there will be an awakening against these bacterial predators. It will be ugly because people have a fear of teacher retribution against their kids if they speak out. Its up to adults who no longer have kids in school that can be targeted and persecuted by these evil villains.

  2. The degradation of moral values in our society rates real high on the list of objectives with most school administrators. Because they’re mostly socialist.

  3. So, in 4 or 5 years, the genocide, the ethnic cleansings, the reprisals, will be over? The borders secured? The New Constitution written, implemented, understood, and actually functioning? By the time these little princesses are 18?

    I know… I know… All the pols are corrupt. Except the one I voted for. All the princesses are misandrists, except my little princesses. It’s the system’s fault.

    Do you want your little princesses to be “barely” legal brood mares? If the other genetic donor is stupid enough to impregnate your princesses in The Feminists’ State of America? Do you expect, not hope but expect, your princesses to learn cooking, and cleaning, and sitting there looking pretty? In The Feminists’ State of America? Do you expect your princesses to learn marketable skills? In the expectation that they will support, without being impregnated by, some “dude”? Well, then, honestly, just between you and you, not even us, what other use will anyone have for your princesses? In 4 or 5 years? In The Feminists’ State of America?

  4. Desensitization of sexual behavior works to the preverts advantage – no one knows what “normal” is and it allow things like sticking a penis in a butt hole not to be a disgusting filthy unsanitary behavior that puts health at risk, not the body fluids and blood borne pathogens exposed to.

    Now that something to be gay about!

  5. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen was a letter typed up by a shit disturber high school punk, using official school letterhead, asking for each parent’s permission for their kid to join the official after-prom sex party at the Howard Johnsons. The letter suggested the prom kids can learn about sex techniques the proper way, with supervision.
    He got some parents riled up. Others, not so much.
    What I found funny was that it’s not so obviously ludicrous.


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