High School Curriculum That Should Be Required – IOTW Report

High School Curriculum That Should Be Required

Daily Caller

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) has launched its Communism: A History of Repression, Violence and Victims curriculum featuring 10 sections and 33 chapters of material to help school districts teach the basic theory and ideology behind communism. Fully sourced and peer-reviewed, the curriculum is aimed at high school sophomores and covers the tools and theories of communism, which is lacking in schools, VOC told the Daily Caller News Foundation. More

12 Comments on High School Curriculum That Should Be Required

  1. Parents that send their children to Party camps, are concerned about their… indoctrination? Seriously? I might be Fetterman dumb. But I’m not that dumb.

  2. Make sure the teachers are required to hit the chapter on ‘2020: The Year The Communists Poisoned The World’ especially hard.

    I hope to have a hand in creating the subjects ofsome of the color plates for the “Thus Always To Tyrants” chapter. For the editions going to the older kids only, and must be taught BEFORE lunch so the janitor doesn’t have extra vomit to clean up…

  3. Proposed section:

    “Medical Tyranny: How The Communist Used Propaganda To Turn “Never Again” Into “Forcing Your Neighbors To Join You In A Suicide Shot For The Collective Good”.

    It’s a page-turner, but it still needs an ending.

    In which rough hemp rope should feature prominently.

  4. There is so much rubbish taught in public schools about Marx that is absolutely ludicrous on it’s face. The horseshit started to become more than my brother and I could stomach in the early 1970’s. We basically opted out and studied the material on our own and only showed up to take tests.

  5. “…covers the tools and theories of communism, which is lacking in schools…”

    …I get what they’re saying here, but on the other hand the schools not only HAVE the tools and theories of Communism in them already, the schools are STAFFED by the tools and theories of Communism.

    Seems like the kids aren’t very likely to get an honest take on Communism regardless of the source material if Communists are allowed to teach it.

    Just saying.

  6. Back in the 70’s in 8th grade I had a Civics class that taught types of government. It also dissected the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Amendments, and Oath of Office. It was taught by a disabled Vietnam Veteran who had used the GI Bill to get his teaching certificate.

  7. I have a good friend who is the state rep for District 1 in Arizona. He was born in Vietnam and came to the U.S. in 1975 and is pushing for adding the evils of communism be taught in our schools. He’s one of the most patriotic people I know!

    If you are interested in learning more, he’s Quang Nguyen Arizona

  8. Required reading for all students in HS should include all 3 volumes of The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Witness by Whittaker Chambers. And Anne Applebaum’s book about the forced mass starvation of the Ukrainian people by Stalin in the late 1920’s and early 30’s.

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  10. In HS, we had a semester each of Government & Economics that was required, with a passing grade, in order to take Drivers Ed.
    Great idea that never should have ended.

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