High School Football Players Stream onto Field, Pray Out Loud After Silence Order – IOTW Report

High School Football Players Stream onto Field, Pray Out Loud After Silence Order

This happened in West Virginia last week. 
There had been a recent ban on prayers over loudspeakers (due to one person’s complaint about a public display of faith). 
In response, BOTH high school football teams came out onto the field and knelt in prayer. They were joined by many in the stands.
“As a school and a school system, we are going to abide by the law,” Clay County High School Principal Crystal Gibson told the local TV station. “If anyone wishes to pray, I, by all means, wish that they would. That’s their right to do so,” she said. Not only that, Gibson also added, “I’ll being doing so at the same time.”
Several fans wore shirts that said, “I’m gonna pray anyway.

Story at PJM-

h/t holy defiance


12 Comments on High School Football Players Stream onto Field, Pray Out Loud After Silence Order

  1. If someone doesn’t want to pray, then freaking don’t. I’m so tired of these bitches who think they have the right to force their non praying ways on everyone else.

    It does make me so happy, though, to see these young kids take such a stand. God bless.

  2. heh heh…….that’s my state, alright…..sure, i got here by way of germany, the carolinas, washington state, japan, pennsylvania, and new jersey….but where i DECIDED to live is in WEST BY GOD VIRGINIA……and for really really good reasons….

    it is, REALLY, almost HEAVEN……anywhere else, HEAVEN is a toll call….here, it’s local…. 🙂

  3. …..and mostly because….we don’t really give a FILLINTHEBLANK what you think of us…or what you think we should do….or what you think you can TELL us to do…..until you come here and try to MAKE us obey……at which time you will find out, most of us hicks do really know what MOLON LABE means……

    so, yeah……come and take them…….

    come and take our prayers…..

  4. One person complains, and the prayer over the loudspeaker is banned. And yet a few days ago I read where girl students at a school (I forget where) were being told to wear long dresses and a scarf when the class toured a mosque.
    Good for the players, fans, and especially the principal that stood up to the bully forces.

  5. They didn’t pray over the PA system, which is what the judge ordered. They obeyed the letter of the law, while still keeping the spirit of their principles. Good for them.
    I would have loved to have been there just to watch any Libtard heads go ‘splody.

  6. Many years ago a young lady (I think) was going to give a commencement speech at her high school graduation. Her speech ended with”God Bless You”. The spineless school administrators said she had to remove that line. So, at the end of her speech she sneeze, and and everyone shouted GOD BLESS YOU!

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