High School Gang Rape Isn’t Slowing Maryland Sanctuary Bill – IOTW Report

High School Gang Rape Isn’t Slowing Maryland Sanctuary Bill

CFP: Maryland is moving forward with “sanctuary state” legislation shielding illegal aliens even after the rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegals in a Maryland high school bathroom during school hours last week outraged state residents from Hagerstown to Ocean City.

In a state under siege by the MS-13 criminal organization, largely made up of ethnic Salvadorans, Gov. Larry Hogan (R) promised to do “everything we can” to quash the legislation while it is before lawmakers and said he would veto it immediately should it be approved by the full Maryland General Assembly. “I believe that local law enforcement should be cooperating fully with federal law enforcement.”

The so-called sanctuary movement gave illegal aliens permission to rob, rape, and murder Americans by stigmatizing immigration enforcement. There is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a sanctuary jurisdiction but there are hundreds of jurisdictions around the country that resist U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in the execution of their duties. In addition to Maryland, California is well on its way to becoming a sanctuary state.

According to Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies, sanctuary policies endanger the public. “It’s a disgrace that the Maryland Assembly is working harder for illegal aliens than it is for the Marylanders who are harmed by illegal immigration.”

State Sen. Michael Hough (R) said the measure, sponsored by Delegate Marice Morales (D) of Montgomery County, “turns Maryland into a sanctuary state for illegal aliens who have committed crimes. Law enforcement cannot coordinate with DHS.”  read more

17 Comments on High School Gang Rape Isn’t Slowing Maryland Sanctuary Bill

  1. The idiot woman who sponsored this bill is dumber than a box of rocks. “White males commit 60 percent of all rapes”. Wow Bitch, what percentage of the total population are we. Going the opposite direction, isn’t one rape worth preventing? Well that would have happened if they would have deported these two asshole.

  2. They DGAS, same San Fran attitude after the Steinle shooting. They could give a fuck less, only want the power that open borders and multi-cultural dysfunctionality would bring them.

  3. We need to start charging all these jerks (including the school superintendent that tried to play off the rape story as an “unavoidable tragedy” in one of his schools) being an accessory to the crime (whether it’s rape, murder, DUI or whatever crime the criminal invader commits). By their actions (or lack thereof) these people are at minimum morally responsible for actively enabling these crimes to be committed against innocent American citizens including children.

    Hopefully the Trump administration will consider this as a way of dealing with the scum in positions of authority that are willfully enabling the destruction of America.

  4. MS-13 tourism must be booming because I’m only one state away and won’t go near the place.or even thru the place. I love western md. It’s beautiful.

    Think about it. Redskins and orioles play there. I won’t go to either. Annapolis and naval academy are there. Wonderful places. Won’t go there again.
    Michelle Malkin used to live there. Bryan Preston used to live there. I used to live there. Wife used to live there is hen I met her.

    See a pattern?

    That was all before this sanctuary bullshit. Maryland is now officially driven a 16 penny spike through its forehead

  5. They had this thing back in the good old days, it was a cage shaped like a person standing up. They would put rapists and other miscreants in them and hang them up and let the town come and gawk at then and watch them die of exposure.
    I miss those days

  6. Barbie said “Math is hard”. So just a few simple “word problems”:

    What is the maximum time it takes to drive between any two points in Maryland?

    What is the population of Maryland?

    How many members are there in the Maryland General Assembly?

    How many lampposts are in Maryland?

    See? It isn’t that hard. You’ve just mathematically proven that the citizens of Maryland aren’t outraged by pædophile gang rape. On government grounds. Under supervision of government employees. On the citizens’ dimes. They’re not even demonstrably annoyed.

  7. As a father with a child in a Maryland School (Christian School) we’re not happy about this crap. And probably move her to a different school (out of MD) next year.

    Considering (since we live just across the border) we live near northern Maryland and no where near Montgomery County (a county that used to be # 1 in income in the country but not anymore due to socialism) that is just liberal bonkers, this sanctuary crap filters down. Crime and drugs have increased over the past decade and my little area sells houses fast because of everybody leaving the state.

  8. Nancy Pelosi was born in Maryland – her dad was Mayor of Baltimore – that give any indication of how fucked-up it is?

    I escaped in 08 and ain’t planning on going back. Still have relations there.
    So sad.

    izlamo delenda est …

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