High School principal refused to call the Holocaust a fact, saying it was a political belief – IOTW Report

High School principal refused to call the Holocaust a fact, saying it was a political belief


A mother wondered, was the Holocaust being taught at Spanish River High School?

She wanted to make sure, she wrote to the principal, that her child’s school was making Holocaust education “a priority.” The response she received five days later, in April 2018, was anything but routine.

In an email reply, Principal William Latson … explained that the lessons are “not forced upon individuals as we all have the same rights but not all the same beliefs.”

The mother, who asked not to be named to protect her child’s identity, was stunned. Was the principal of one of Palm Beach County’s largest public schools suggesting that the Holocaust was a belief rather than an actual event?

Thinking Latson simply had expressed himself poorly, she wrote back, asking him to clarify his comments. “The Holocaust is a factual, historical event,” she wrote. “It is not a right or a belief.”

She expected a chastened response. Instead, the veteran principal doubled down.

“Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened,” he wrote, according to email records obtained by The Palm Beach Post through a public records request. “And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.”

He went on to say that as an educator he had “the role to be politically neutral but support all groups in the school.”

“I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee,” Latson wrote.

That response led the mother to launch a yearlong effort to address what she called a school leader’s failure to separate truth from myth regarding the genocide of an estimated 6 million Jews under Germany’s Nazi regime in the 1940s.

Read of her plight HERE

ht/ dee

42 Comments on High School principal refused to call the Holocaust a fact, saying it was a political belief

  1. A principal with no principle. I bet Spanish River High has a very high percentage of lessons devoted to Black History and how the Republicans owned slaves and voted down Civil Rights legislation.

  2. Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ is their own Messiah. Christians cannot force Jews to accept what the Christian faith believes. It is now against the law to teach Christian beliefs in public school. Teaching that Jesus Christ was put to death on a cross by Jews is a belief that Jews deny. This is authentic history to Christians. Historical truth is not agreed upon by persons with differing perspectives of reality. Why should Jewish historical beliefs be mandated exalted over anyone else’s? Religious beliefs are supposed to be forbidden as instruction in public schools. The same goes for Islam, Satanism, Hinduism, or any other religious doctrine. The same goes for the religious past of ONLY Jewish emphasis being forced on anyone. Americans either have freedom of thought and speech, or we don’t. ( Don’t pass Go! Don’t collect $200! Just go straight to jail because you offend me!! Sarcasm!)

  3. many (including Your’s Truly) don’t believe in manmade global cooling, global warming, climate change, the Green New Deal, Communism, socialism, atheism, fascism, Fakebook, etc.

    …yet you still preach that shit … hypocrite

  4. Ok, then, antebellum Southern Whites enslaving Blacks is just a political opinion, too.

    Try THIS on for size:

    “Not everyone believes slavery happened,” he wrote, according to email records obtained by The Palm Beach Post through a public records request. “And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.”

    He went on to say that as an educator he had “the role to be politically neutral but support all groups in the school.”

    “I can’t say Black slavery is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee,” Latson wrote.”

    …stops being funny when it starts being you, doesn’t it? Not fun when it’s YOUR sacred cow being gored, nicht wahr?

    …so much that Democrats say is more “political opinion” than fact. If YOU can ignore history you don’t like, hope your gander likes goose sauce…

  5. I’m going to take a bit contrary position on this. Of course the Holocaust happened, there is physical, eye witness, testimonial, video, and confessionary (from the actual Germans that ran the concentration camps) evidence that exists, there is no doubt. And for a school official of any pedigree to deny the obvious is very troubling. But I’m wondering what prompted this woman to bring it up in the first place?

    World history is only part of the history curriculum HS’ers are taught. Ghenkis Khan was responsible for killing 40 million. In the 1300’s the Black Plague killed almost 200 million, communism is responsible for 100 million deaths, the Khmer Rouge 3 million, the Armenian genocide 1.5 million. My point is that through out history atrocities on a massive scale have occurred, they should all (including the Holocaust) be studied and acknowledged.

    TBH, I’m more outraged that the your average HS graduate is not properly prepared for the real world; he can barely read, lacks critical thinking skills, is not taught basic economics, needs a calculator (or his fingers) to count, is woefully ignorant of world events around him, and have all been brainwashed by liberal teachers who push an agenda that is anti-American, anti-basic freedoms and anti-love of country.

  6. You are messed up on several counts, tRuth.

    Pretty much everything you said was wrong.

    You are spewing your uneducated beliefs, not facts.

    It’s sad you believe so much that is factually wrong. Clearly you have done no study on any of these topics.

    You are too ignorant (you ignore factual history) to comment on these subjects.

    Your low IQ hatefulness is noted.

  7. Rich Taylor JULY 6, 2019 AT 8:54 PM

    TBH, I’m more outraged that the your average HS graduate is not properly prepared for the real world; he can barely read, lacks critical thinking skills, is not taught basic economics, needs a calculator (or his fingers) to count, is woefully ignorant of world events around him, and have all been brainwashed by liberal teachers who push an agenda that is anti-American, anti-basic freedoms and anti-love of country.

    I noticed this in the 70s. It’s been “Just pass them” for a long time. If you paid attention and did well on the lessons back then, you did OK compared to now – but much was still missing on how to function in this world. Managing your budget/money should be a required course, for starters.

  8. Slavery? Hell, obama never happened. that was an illegitimate coup conducted by a foreign national who stole the presidency after smothering his grandmother with a pillow on election night.

  9. tRuth:

    Proving 2000 year-old history is one thing. Direct testimony by witnesses, film evidence, etc is another.

    See you on the battlefield. Looking forward to running you through.

  10. One of my high school teachers named Mr. Kellam was one of the Army photographers sent into the concentration camps to record the gruesome reality for the world to see. Every year, he would show copies of the movies he took himself to all of the students in the auditorium and tell about what he saw and give detailed accounts of what went on. He considered doing that as part of his duty as an American so that young people would understand that there are really evil people in the world.

  11. Stupid cxkr

    Maybe he’d like to say
    the norman invasion in 1066
    didn’t happen either
    just because he didn’t
    personally experience it


    I am calling him an


  12. I bet there’s a large percentage of students with names like Mohammed and he’s just trying to stay employed. If he said it was a fact, he’d have CAIR on his ass.
    @Hambone – Your lucky to have seen that teacher’s movies. Eisenhower (to his eternal credit) sent all combat photographers in theater to the newly discovered and freed camps. That’s why there is relatively little film of combat in the last couple of months of the war. He wanted an amount of visual evidence that was so overpowering that no-one could ever make the claim that the Holocaust never happened.

  13. ALL people of Good Will should oppose the ORIGINAL nazis.
    Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks”
    Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish COMMUNIST Bolsheviks
    KATRYN FOREST & the Ukrainian Death Camps where the JEWISH Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders.
    Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS.
    The sight of the “STAR of DEATH” sends a frightening and offensive message to ALL NON-Jews.
    Israel does not have a ‘right to exist”, because Israel is born of genocide and war crimes.
    The “STAR of DEATH” represents the ORIGINAL “Nazis”, the perpetrators and braggarts of the FIRST holocaust: FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of what THEY BRAG about doing to the original PALESTINIANS.
    Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

    Numbers c.5 v.2-4
    Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter
    Exodus c.32 v.27
    Numbers c.11 v.1-2
    Numbers c.16 all
    Numbers c.21 v.5-6
    Numbers v.26 v.10
    KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION”
    Numbers v25 v.4-8
    Deuteronomy c.14 v.2
    a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book.
    Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites
    Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites
    Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan
    Numbers c.31 all Midianites
    Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites
    Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon
    Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities
    Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE
    Numbers c.21 v.25
    Numbers c.32 v.39
    Numbers c.33 v.53
    (just to name a FEW)
    Numbers c.33 v.31-34
    Deuteronomy c.7 v.2
    Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30
    Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16
    Deuteronomy c.2 v.2
    Deuteronomy c.7 v.1
    Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD”
    Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”.
    TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State”
    YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State”
    And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)
    For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”

  14. The “holocaust” is Insurance Fraud.
    If you apply for a disability claim from an insurance company or, especially, the government, you have to PROVE you have been injured, REPEATEDLY. The insurance companies and government do not just “take your word for it” and never question you again.
    Israel SOLD the Holocaust for Political Leverage and Monetary Reparations, Israel itself opened the Holocaust up to questioning when they SOLD it. Israel FEARS the TRUTH about the NON-holoCOST because the MONEY would dry up, or WORSE have to be RETURNED.

    About 1.1 million people, around one million of whom were European Jews, died at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp between 1940 and 1945.
    In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, reduced the estimated number of victims at Auschwitz from the four million figure engraved on the plaques down to just over 1 million. That is a reduction of almost 3 million.

    Yet the claimed 6 million figure, claimed to include the Auschwitz numbers, WAS NEVER REVISED downward by THREE MILLION. At that moment, any claims to knowing the numbers of victims are discredited.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjnGnuJyY3k the truth about Auschwitz.

    Indeed, over the years, estimates of the total number of victims who died (of all causes) in the slave labor camps have run from 8 million during the Nuremberg trials, down to 140,000 calculated from the camp records of the International Red Cross, down to as low as 74,000 by more recent scholars.

    The only thing that can be deduced from the wide variance is that we do not really know how many died (of all causes) in those slave labor camps.

    But we do know lies are being told. Camp inmates were not made into soap and lampshades. There was no Camp Walszak despite Hoess’s coerced confession. There was no electrical machine that simply vaporized corpses to leave no trace. And ground penetrating radar shows that there are no mass graves at Treblinka.

  15. What Corsair said–from Salatomatic there’s shown a Sunni K-8 academy nearby, including 7 ‘centers’ in the Palm Beach area, two of them labeled as Salafi, which Wikipedia proclaims as the belief system of OBL

  16. A perfect example of the left rewriting history, even as people are still alive who lived through it.

    Does that mean slavery is only a belief and didn’t really happen?

  17. William Chandler, you are a fucking idiot!

    tRuth, the Apostles Creed reads ” He suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified, died and was buried. That means the Romans were responsible for Jesus’s death. No one ever realises this. Instead, they blame the JEWS It was the Romans as they were the government of the time and had final say. I’m catholic and Italian and I understand this. But according to you, always blame the Jews.
    Read the actual creed, its on the fuckin web and we say it every time we are in church.

  18. In an arrogant display of ignorance, William Chandler claims the Holocaust only killed a couple of passerbys. Tomorrow he’ll teach us that true north is next to Australia. Morons invading.

  19. By the way, I had relatives that had serial numbers tattooed into their wrists. They survived, they were real and now they are no longer with us. One man I met had the divots in his skull from the ball peen hammer test that was performed on him by the Nazi doctors. Also, that’s Nazi NOT GERMAN.

  20. sorry other participants of this thread
    this is the most accurate reply so far yes
    the real facts support this … so why is it we can not have a real debate with real facts with out resorting to the name calling and threats ?
    truth is truth and while it does not agree with the fibs you were raised on
    it is still true ….
    ask yourself
    how can the Caucasian jooz call anyone including a Palestinian semite
    anti semite when real facts are presented that the alleged jooz can not refute ?

    even the current residents of Israel admit that they are NOT descendants of abraham issac jacob but that they are descendants of the khazars ?

    ” william chandler JULY 7, 2019 AT 7:23 AM
    The “holocaust” is Insurance Fraud.
    If you apply for a disability claim from an insurance company or, especially, the government, you have to PROVE you have been injured, REPEATEDLY. The insurance companies and government do not just “take your word for it” and never question you again.
    Israel SOLD the Holocaust for Political Leverage and Monetary Reparations, Israel itself opened the Holocaust up to questioning when they SOLD it. Israel FEARS the TRUTH about the NON-holoCOST because the MONEY would dry up, or WORSE have to be RETURNED.

    About 1.1 million people, around one million of whom were European Jews, died at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp between 1940 and 1945.
    In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, reduced the estimated number of victims at Auschwitz from the four million figure engraved on the plaques down to just over 1 million. That is a reduction of almost 3 million.

    Yet the claimed 6 million figure, claimed to include the Auschwitz numbers, WAS NEVER REVISED downward by THREE MILLION. At that moment, any claims to knowing the numbers of victims are discredited.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjnGnuJyY3k the truth about Auschwitz.

    Indeed, over the years, estimates of the total number of victims who died (of all causes) in the slave labor camps have run from 8 million during the Nuremberg trials, down to 140,000 calculated from the camp records of the International Red Cross, down to as low as 74,000 by more recent scholars.

    The only thing that can be deduced from the wide variance is that we do not really know how many died (of all causes) in those slave labor camps.

    But we do know lies are being told. Camp inmates were not made into soap and lampshades. There was no Camp Walszak despite Hoess’s coerced confession. There was no electrical machine that simply vaporized corpses to leave no trace. And ground penetrating radar shows that there are no mass graves at Treblinka.

    2 “

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