High Water Marks – IOTW Report

High Water Marks


“The US is split in two for hundreds of miles,” says Mr Hurst, who is the president of the Missouri Farm Bureau, describing the water’s sprawl from north of Omaha, Nebraska, down past St Louis, Missouri.

As of 10 June, around 200 river gauges along the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas rivers are still reporting flood levels, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

“We’ve seen more flooding in the past decade than we’ve seen in the decades before. This has gone past that into something historic.” More

14 Comments on High Water Marks

  1. The Mississippi has been flooding it’s banks at least since the last Ice Age. Who thought it would be a good idea to build major cities along it’s shore line? And the great thing is that we taxpayers get to pay for the consequences by either paying for the resulting damage, or paying the Corps of Engineers to build levees (now out of favor), and as a bonus, we all get to subsidize the flood insurance of the inhabitants of the flood plain.

  2. As a small child I briefly lived in a little Missouri village called Tuscumbia. Located in Miller Co. It sat right beside the Osage river and it seemed like it flooded twice in the short time we lived there. It was a normal occurrence there. Back sometime in the mid 50’s

  3. News of flooding is not covered by lame stream media because it is in flyover country. Maybe they will care when food prices skyrocket because crops cannot be planted.

  4. While the writer of the piece posted waited till the bottom of the first page before blaming climate change, the person goes on to describe how the lock and dam system put in during the last century has contributed to making the flood waters higher and faster.

    I guess objective reporting today means sprinkling in a few informative observations while spreading the climate change manure across other parts of an article. This satisfies those who are interest in the true and those who demand adherence to the climate change dogma.

  5. @Tony R June 12, 2019 at 3:13 pm

    > And the great thing is that we taxpayers get to pay for the consequences by either paying for the resulting damage, or paying the Corps of Engineers to build levees

    But, it’s a natural disaster! Science couldn’t have predicted what would happen! It’s a accident. That river didden du nuffin.

  6. While I sit here typing this it’s raining and the river I live on is just been reopened to boat traffic. For the last ten years every summer has found the river flooded and closed to boat traffic on a number of occasions. From the song “They’ve put up a parking lot.” There’s no place for the water to go except straight into the river.

    From the end of the article linked above… The verbiage in parentheses…

    There is no expectation the long-feared disaster is upon us. Not this time. But with that rising river bottom and the Mississippi’s increased flow thanks to increasing urbanization upriver (paved surfaces mean water drains far more rapidly from the land) and other factors, the challenge and the threat are only increasing. And the Corps’ talents and resources to keep Old Man River in line had better be up to the task.

    Being perhaps not that intelligent I find the article I linked more frightening and understandable…

  7. I’ve been down by the St.Clair River a lot recently. I’ve been hanging on that river for 50+ yrs. Probably some of the highest water in my memory. They’re going to have problems with the wakes off the freighters traveling through. A lot of the homeowners boat docks and boat houses and breakwalls I’ve seen are only 1′ to 2′ off the water. Those boats make big waves. Its fun to swim in the waves but noisy as heck underwater when they go by.

  8. Now this would be one Big Gooberment project I would endorse, a pump-and-reservoir project to pump the flood waters out of Ol’Miss’, to be stored for areas with drought.

  9. Here in the St. Louis area, it’s bad, but not as bad as in ’93!
    It has rained here almost everyday for the past 8 weeks. It’s getting depressing.
    Heck, if I’d wanted that, I would’ve moved to the NW.


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