Hijab slippage leaves soccer player vulnerable – IOTW Report

Hijab slippage leaves soccer player vulnerable

This is why women’s sports will never intrigue me. Too much virtue signaling empathy.

This is not an injury. This is a choice, a choice to compete at a high level with a potential impediment. I’d be “accidentally” knocking off the hijab every chance I got.

My job would to be win, not to be “sensitive” to something that isn’t my concern.

ht/ petrus

22 Comments on Hijab slippage leaves soccer player vulnerable

  1. what the heck happened to her? I didnt see anything? Her scarf stayed on and everything. And whats a moslem slave doing playing a game? I thought they stayed at home and made vests and bombs.

  2. Yeah.. I wonder of any of her teammates are aware of the true source of her terror.

    If her hijab is off, she’ll be in huge trouble not only with her male relatives, but also with the muslim community at large.

    She’s basically got the mentality of a beaten woman- BUT YES HIJABS ARE GREAT SO BEAUTIFUL AND BRAVE TO WEAR ONE.

  3. PATHETIC, the entire bullshit is completely pathetic.

    If you want to play sports, get rid of the garb that inhibits your ability to be ‘sporty’ or just get off the field altogether, oh, and find another religion, it would be more encompassing that way.

  4. lol We used to pull opposing players’ shorts down to slow them up.
    A crafty player could spin the hijab around her face to blind her and score.
    Sports are for enlighten Westerners; let them screw goats.

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