Hiker found alive after 10 days lost in California mountains reveals how he survived – IOTW Report

Hiker found alive after 10 days lost in California mountains reveals how he survived


A shirtless hiker who went missing in remote California mountains has been found alive ten days after he vanished – having survived by drinking water from his boot and eating wild berries.  

Lukas McClish, 34, set off on June 11 on what should have been a three-hour walk to visit some rare granite outcroppings in the Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Boulder Creek. more

29 Comments on Hiker found alive after 10 days lost in California mountains reveals how he survived

  1. Should change his name to Gilligan…except – even as a supposed experienced hiker – he caused his own situation whereas Gilligan did not. And 34? Dude looks 60. He got lucky.

  2. Bullshit. Pure bullshit. It so happens I lived in Boulder Creek for four years before getting the hell out of California for good in 2012. Big Basin isn’t small, but it isn’t so big that if you were dropped into the middle of it you couldn’t find your way to “civilization” in one day or less of simply hiking downhill. I figure he had ten days worth of weed with him and came out of the weeds when he ran out of week. Or maybe his Bic ran out of butane.

  3. I was bird hunting in very heavy fog on a fenced section of land and got into a half mile foot race behind a rooster w/my dog Elsie. My Annie finally broke off and circled out in front and came back and put the trap on the bird and flushed it and I shot it and when the dogs were bringing it back in I heard help, help, help. Hmmm, wonder what the problem is? Followed the sound and there was a guy there who was in a total panic. He had been lost for four hours and thought that the end was near. This was on a fenced section of land mind you. He asked if I had a compass and about lost his damn mind when I told him that I didn’t. Once I convinced him to shut up and listen and tell me what he heard he said all he couldn’t hear anything except motor vehicle traffic and that we hopelessly lost. I told him that the motor vehicle traffic might be Interstate 5 and if he walks toward it he will come to a fence that is vehicle should be parked along.

  4. Jeeze!
    I thought this was obvious….
    Walk to a high point and look around. You might see some evidence of civilization in the distance.
    Walk downhill. When you reach a ditch or stream follow it downstream. You will eventually cross a road or reach some area where there are people.

  5. He also admitted that he ate a spotted owl. Wildlife officials decided not to charge him for killing an endangered species, since it was a matter of survival.
    When a journalist asked him what spotted owl tastes like, he replied “it’s sort of similar to whooping crane and bald eagle.”

  6. He also admitted that he ate a spotted owl. Wildlife officials decided not to charge him for killing an endangered species, since it was a matter of survival.
    When a journalist asked him what spotted owl tastes like, he replied “it’s sort of similar to whooping crane and bald eagle.”

  7. I grew up in the Bay Area and I am very familiar with Big Basin. Like Unky Al says, he would of had to work hard to avoid other people.

    P.S. I always knew Al was a Hippie at one point in his life. LOL

  8. @Brad — While I was living in Boulder Creek I was enjoying that hippie lifestyle during all the spare time I had while I was working 60 to 70 hours/week for Visa. I think I left my love beads in my other pants some time in the 70s! 💈

  9. Oops. Forget I mentioned Visa. I used to work for “the world’s largest international payment processing network, with headquarters in Foster City, California.”

    @Brad — I used to be able to get from Boulder Creek to Foster City, just about exactly 50 miles, in just about exactly 60 minutes. In a diesel Jetta with 120,000 miles on the clock. Boy, I really LOVED that Skyline Drive (CA35).


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