Hilary’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’ – IOTW Report

Hilary’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’


NYPost: Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her, it’s making the lives of those who work for her hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”  Read More

popcorn smiley face

h.t Andre

18 Comments on Hilary’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’

  1. “Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her.”

    Because a furious Hillary is very attractive to voters. Glad to know the Dems have check-cashing, yes-men consultants just like the GOPe.

  2. I know MadJack, but somehow I’m wondering if this is just all lies and hype to get everyone to watch the debate (which I will) to see her meltdown — only in reality — she minds her p’s and q’s and is the picture of the perfect lady.

  3. I plan to wait and see if she melts down, and then watch it if she does. Otherwise, why bother?

    The dem debate will be about as effeminate as a pillow fight, and really just 3 libdems trying to figure out who is more PC.

  4. that would be a bloodbath. Need to have a big bucket ‘o mags handy too. She’d show them what she knows about wiping things out! “WIPE THIS BITCHES! BZZZT BZZZZZZZT BZZT BZZZZZZT WHO’S THE PRESIDENT NOW? (WITCH CACKLE)”

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