Hillary: $400 Million in cash to Iran against the wishes of the DOJ and hidden from Congress? That’s ‘Old News’ – IOTW Report

Hillary: $400 Million in cash to Iran against the wishes of the DOJ and hidden from Congress? That’s ‘Old News’

CainTV […] Donald Trump is pouncing on the story, reminding everyone that the whole thing started when Hillary was in charge of the State Department, even if the payout and hostage situation occurred after her tenure had ended.

So what does Hillary say?

She says you should ignore it all. It’s “old news” and not really worth her attention.  Sure “the agreement” gave Iran access to over $150 Billion dollars which the Obama administration has admitted they’ll probably use to fund terrorism, but Hillary says it “makes us safer.”


9 Comments on Hillary: $400 Million in cash to Iran against the wishes of the DOJ and hidden from Congress? That’s ‘Old News’

  1. I think the contrived, fabricated, and outright lies about the spike in the polls for Cankles will now take the predicted nosedive into the outhouse cesspool where she and they belong…Liberals must be spoon feeding their brains to fellow liberal zombies by now….bon apetit’

  2. During this time the Military was forced to reduce nearly 200,000 personnel While fighting one two fronts), VA was allowing veterans to linger and die on waiting lists, Aircraft and pilot hours reduced, military effectiveness reduced to below WWII levels.
    The Total U.S. military spending in 2012 was $682 billion for the FY.
    Obama gives $500 BILLION to Iran to support terrorism, their military and their nuclear program.
    Treason, plain and simple.
    And barely a peep from the Joint Chiefs, Sec. of Defense or congress.

  3. Those “weak pantywaist wonders” wearing all the stripes and stars in the Pentagon are just Barky handmaidens, beholding to him for their rank and paygrade…screw the USA and the people of this country, they don’t give a Flying Fcuk….I hope on the housecleaning lists for Trump will be firing all these traitors…and i hope they lose their pensions and benefits…way overdue for them to be waiting in the halls of the VA hospitals for attention AFTER the true veterans are attended to. Dump a few dozen and watch the rest of the weaklings “Come to Jesus”….

  4. Also old news:

    Gutenberg develops moveable type printing
    Europeans think up the scientific method
    Watt builds first practical steam engine
    Montgolfier brothers fly in hot air balloons
    Morse develops wired electrical communications
    Bell develops wired voice communications
    Marconi and Tesla develop wireless communications
    Wright brothers build a controllable airplane
    Whittle builds first jet aircraft engine

    …you get the idea: just because it happened in the past that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth at least mentioning.

  5. More like Trolled News…I have noticed the “Old News” talking point being trolled in many comment sections, almost all linking or referencing a Lurch statement made on a Saturday afternoon in January. Now, how many journos actually heard or cared what Lurch said on a weekend, much less reported it? Admittedly this was before there was Pokemon Go to distract them, but really…old news? The lueckenpresse strikes again.

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