Hillary Admits She Lies To Voters and Explains The Importance of Doing So – IOTW Report

Hillary Admits She Lies To Voters and Explains The Importance of Doing So

Tell me again how Trump is toast because he boasted about being able to get pussy.

Daily Caller – During a private 2013 speech to the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton emphasized the importance of holding two positions on political issues — a “public” one and a separate “private” one.

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7 Comments on Hillary Admits She Lies To Voters and Explains The Importance of Doing So

  1. Trump should say, “Before we start the debate- I’d like to ask which Hillary Clinton we will be seeing tonight? The Hillary who will say what the public wants to hear or the Hillary who says what she really thinks in private? Per one of her speeches recently released.”

  2. She is Robert De Niro as Al Capone in The Untouchables:You got nothing. You’re nothing but a lot of talk and a badge! You hear me? Cause you got nothing! You got nothing in court, you don’t got the bookkeeper, you got NOTHING! NOTHING! And if you were a man, you would’ve done it now! You don’t got a thing, you punk!…

  3. Yes, yes…all that is true about Hillary. But Trump is a potty-mouthed pickup artist, and I had no idea how much that would turn me on.

    Although I still would suck Mike Pence’s cock if he would ditch Donald.

  4. Similar to the way devout moslems keep up a public image that promotes islam as peaceful, while in private they teach moslems to hate and kill the infidel.

    Those who serve the devil are well practiced in deceit.

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