Hillary Aide, Huma, Lied To FBI and Nothing Happened To Her – IOTW Report

Hillary Aide, Huma, Lied To FBI and Nothing Happened To Her

Director Blue-

The latest FOIA (Freedom of Information) documents released by the FBI regarding Hillary Clinton’s private email server are mindblowing.

It now appears that Clinton consigliere Huma Abedin bold-face lied to FBI investigators and — because we live in a two-tier justice system — she wasn’t charged.





ht/ marco

28 Comments on Hillary Aide, Huma, Lied To FBI and Nothing Happened To Her

  1. It’s hard to prove someone lied in claiming the didn’t remember something unless you can show them talking about it while or after claiming they don’t remember it.

    Hillary has used the “don’t recall” for decades to avoid giving information she doesn’t want to give.

  2. This is what happens from years of the Obamboozler’s belief and practice of “laws don’t matter when there is no enforcement”. DemocRATs are emboldened and expected to lie, cheat, steal and even murder knowing that there will be no penalty for doing so. Normalizing thuggery politics is so pervasive that when someone like Trump comes in and tries to do something about it he’s branded every kind of epithet in the books as they try to defend themselves from prosecution. That goes double the complicit, Bought & Paid For Knee-Pad MSM because they have been invested in ignoring and covering for democRATs for to long!

  3. This dirty stinking rat-faced muzzie needs to at the LEAST be put behind bars in the worst hellhole prison we have in the USA for life and at best, hung from the neck until dead for treason and other “high crimes” she committed while “serving” the public and the same goes double for her boss and its pedophile husband.

  4. I hope they give her a thorough examination, they’ll likely unearth evidence of her funneling volumes of sensitive information to our various enemies especially the radical Muslims.
    Public executions would be an enjoyable spectacle that might just make a comeback!

  5. The Clinton Chronicles starts out:
    As a demon recently turned lose from Hell you are desperate to hide in the first democRAT you encounter. Immediately your mind is sent reeling from the pain of a disingenuous Dipshit reeking from the stench of whisky, Crack, an ugly spouse and quite possibly poor hygiene, but you soon realize that you have chosen a great disguise!

  6. Yeah, it would draw the crowds and become so popular that across the country it got completely out of control and every leftist was hanging from a limb like an ugly ornament. We can dream!

  7. Now Hillary hanging lifelessly from a rope with swollen tongue protruding from her ugly mouth and the contents of her voided bladder and bowels running down her legs is a sight that’s just too delicious to hope for.
    But I’ve always been a dreamer!

  8. Paging Carlos Danger! Your collection of Clinton’s emails are finally being reviewed by people who give a damn. You will soon have the opportunity to prove that your pervy past wasn’t the worst thing you ever did to President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Time is running out! The walls are closing in! Indictments are coming down! Andrew Breitbart lives on!

  9. gin blossom JUNE 9, 2019 AT 9:57 AM
    “Yeah, it would draw the crowds and become so popular that across the country it got completely out of control and every leftist was hanging from a limb like an ugly ornament. We can dream!”

    …if it arises from a Civil War that they engender from either deposing the President or blatantly stealing the 2020 election from him, we may not be able to control the people’s retributive impulses in the heat of the moment sufficiently to arrange for an orderly hanging and scheduled broadcasting thereof.

    The day after an illegal removal of our President from office, for example, downtown DC would probably look something like this…


  10. The only justice we’ll ever see for all crimes Clinton, will be if they are standing next to the humongous stack of evidence and it falls over and kills them.

  11. I can see most of you are already members of G.O.M.P.S.

    What is GOMPS, you GOMPER’S ask? (No, not Samual “Gompers.”)


    Worth 10 points if you can guess, plus a 10-point bonus question. (Last time I did this, no one bit.)

  12. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mandela, Khomeini, Ho – all had been arrested, but pusillanimous (or complicit) judges (gov’ts) allowed them out to continue their subversions.
    We’ve gone a step further – we won’t even arrest them, much less go through the motions of pretending that we still have a “justice” system.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Illegals from around the world are stampeding to the US border because they know they can break the law, get into the country, and stay here for the rest of their lives – because the border laws are not being enforced. (Oh, and they have many internal supporters: democrats, in office or in department bureaucracies & ignorant citizens )

    It’s the same with Hillary, her gang, and many other democrat supporters. They know the laws are not being enforced against them for their crimes. And they stampede to violate more laws.. Laws are only enforced against republicans and US citizens who aren’t supporting lawlessness.

  14. Nothing happened to her
    Valerie Jarrett
    for that matter


    They are cxksn MOSLEMS

    And that’s why the
    Obaman imposture should be


    And every thing he declared or
    signed into law be


    Including ALL

    his appointments.

    I can anxiously wait to hear the

    Claiming something like


    I can’t wait to hear it
    while they admit their
    smelly hypocricy.


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