She still seems to be unsteady.
Does she have balance issues? Or is it just her slippery shoes betraying her?
ht/ bad brad
She still seems to be unsteady.
Does she have balance issues? Or is it just her slippery shoes betraying her?
ht/ bad brad
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But she looks gorgeous
Much as I hate the bint, it looks like a slippery sandal issue, not terminal crotch rot attacking her CNS.
Yet CNN thinks Trump is the one afraid of stairs.
She’s still wearing pajamas
Keep on Lyin – I mean, “truckin’!”
Those steps look as though able people have been navigating them successfully for a thousand years. The problem may be something else? Hmmm…
I’ll bet money she pulled a groin muscle. Those legs haven’t been spread that far apart since the day Huma left.
Risky business in the home of Karma. I like how she just abandons her shoes for one of her flunkies to pick up. Must be part of her post 9/11/16 protocols.
Those damn deplorable, “backwards” stairs…
“Almost”? Dang.
She is a sick bitch deserved what coming to her no competition for her. She chain that men’s forces the wife to vote for trump. And trump love dictator, I believe that she is talking about Hussein that love dictator.
“You might ask, why aren’t I able to climb down 50 stairs?”
Did Moooooochelle design that outfit?
Mighty feeble looking for the leader of the free world.
What was her excuse last time? Oh yeah…
“I was running down the stairs in heels with a cup of coffee in hand, I was talking over my shoulder and my heel caught and I fell backwards.”
Is this India incident a two-booter?
She is friggin’ DRUNK.
In the 70’s Chevy Chase lampooned President Ford as a clumsy fool on Saturday Night Live.
Number of times SNL lampooned Hillary: ZERO
She may have a mild form of ” Ataxia “, her vision doesn’t seem to line up with her perception of what’s really there.
Someone needs to add a symbol for a walker to the “I’m With Her” logo.
I wonder if the drunk was drinking vodka.

remember 911 video in New York I believe she have some problems.
I say she’s unbalanced.
I won’t speculate on what caused her fall.
Too much hot sauce in the trunk…
She’s lucky someone was there to catch here. Now give me the name of the S.O.B. that caught her.
It’s obvious that she’s been hitting the bottle.
I’m no Hillary apologist, but the steps she slipped on looked like they were not flat at all. Years of traffic can wear down a stone step, or the tread plate can settle unevenly and tilt — either case can result in a hazardous condition for anyone trying to descend those steps.
Plus, no handrails, steep grade — OSHA would have a field day…
Like Dumbo with those clumsy thick legs.
Hillary almost goes DOWN ?
Contact Huma to get
Confirmation !
The ugly as hell jammies she had on pushed her down the stairs. Shoot, I wouldn’t wear that outfit to scrub my toilets and tubs.
I can sympathize with slippery heels on shoes though. Went down the stairs too fast, too many times. Paying for it now and unless I’m in a public place, I go down the steps backwards now.
Today is National Hillary is Not Our President Day!! Yayyy!!
Keep Making America Great Again!!
Too bad they caught this creature. NO sympathy for this career criminal.
In Hillary’s caste system no bottle is untouchable. She loves India because rats are worshipped and allowed to run wild.
she has an equilibrium problem. I have the same thing. When I drink a lot of Vodka my legs get shaky. I suggest Bourbon or Irish Whiskey. Also she should try sneakers.
And then take a phucking walk away from America.
!st misstep. Drunk. 2nd misstep, cheap ass shoes and drunk. Also, y’all be nice, the woman looks to be about 14months pregnant.
It would be infinitely more satisfying to push her down the stairs than a slinky.
The Secret Service is paid to protect her from a bullet. If I was on her detail, I would have let her fall.
It’s not in the job description of security to catch abusive drunks.
Why is she even free to travel? I’m getting sick and tired of seeing these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS going here and there like they don’t have a care in the world! Did you hear what she said in Mumbai?
Who cares?
She’s a psychotic sociopath who can’t help herself. Put her in the insane asylum and let her rot.
The democrats will fall again!
Oh, this isn’t the civil war thread.
Anything bad or embarrassing that happens to that conniving slut will not bother me in the least.
She should be in prison. And I’m not a mean guy. I believe what happened to Martha Steward, Scooter Libby, and others, at the hands of our Government was disgraceful.
And this cunt still roams the world with Taxpayer’s Protection. Gimmeafookenbreak!
Good lord, what a ridiculous fat cow. This is reason number 1,006 why that worthless piece of shit didn’t become President. She projects useless fat slobbiness every time she keels over on a flight of stairs or passes out on a sidewalk. Sorry, but we want a president who is fit enough to walk up and down a goddamn flight of stairs without having it come off like a circus high wire act.
Too bad somebody didn’t ride the old bitch down for a whole 8 second win!
Dang! Fergot to change the name back.
(been a looong day)
Is there footage of her walking by herself, steadily, anywhere? Lol
Where’s “Epi-pen Guy”? I guess he got tired of her abusive shit and quit.
slippery is bad as evidence of this video and probably about anything else you’ve personally encountered as a biped.
Next time the stairs should be laced with stick’em. High grade rhinoceros halting paste. Leave her sandals behind and enjoy the ride down.
Meanwhile, Melania navigates stairs, lawn, cobblestones, etc. gracefully in 4″ silettoes.
“Who cares?” Shit, if she runs again, this will be added to the 15 minute long anti-hillary “Falling,fainting,tripping” ad. More, please!
In the still shot, it looks like she’s taken to be sacrificed. lol
Thanks to the light billowy fabric of her tunic we now know what she’s been hiding under her tapestry pantsuits.
i need a little something more than just “the internet” telling m that’s our little miss H…….looks like any poor ole woman tryin to navigate unfamiliar territory……i are a poor ole woman who mostly sticks to FAMILIAR territory, and i still have problems…..not like that, maybe……..but that’s because i put in a HANDRAIL………
also…..i don’t have 24/7 guards to pick me up…..:)
She was just showing off her ballerina moves.
Cloven hooves don’t go with sandals.
Hillary 2020
I see the yoga’s working
I agree w/ Irony … those are definitely drunk steps … maybe not the first stumble, but definitely the second one
Vast right wing conspiracy, somebody put oil on the stairs.
To bad your faithful husband wasn’t by your side, what’s that, he was busy helping a young intern?
She’s making a case for the lower cell bunk.
Quite a Gunt and Saddlebags she’s sporting there.
That third bottle of chardonnay was a bad idea Hillz.
Drunkwalking. After the first fall notice how she has a practiced drill– kicks both shoes completely off, proactively, while extending the free arm out at 90′ for the nearest aide to support her?
Very practiced. She and her detail are used to this. Daily.
Also she’s gained a helluva lot of weight in her vodka-and-paranoia diet.
Glad to see Din rescued her slippers.
“You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din.”
She has an ass like a Montana mule.
Hellary slipping and falling again – awesome. Hellary not ever being President of the United States – Priceless!
The old drunk grifter is in India to cheat the Indian gov. out of more Rupees. Guess they can afford it.
I never had sexual relations with that woman!
I swear. I’m being really honest this time.
I mean, damn, who would?
… and they lug her down the remaining steps like a plastic bag full of wet garbage.
I can’t believe she would walk bare foot on an unwashed public surface. That is actually the most human like thing I ever seen her do. But I would rather see her bare foot in prison. Rocking a gnarly case of athletes foot.
“Help – I’ve fallen and I can’t get elected!”