Hillary Already Has the Coveted KKK Endorsement – IOTW Report

Hillary Already Has the Coveted KKK Endorsement

Back in March, William Quigg, grand dragon of the California branch of the KKK, proclaimed he had switched his support to Hillary Clinton. Claiming that Hillary has a “secret agenda,” Quigg believes once she’s in office she’ll go back on all her promises to the Progressive left.



h/t Don Surber


14 Comments on Hillary Already Has the Coveted KKK Endorsement

  1. EVERY WORD from Cankles is a lie. She is incapable of speaking truth. This is definitely a serious brain disorder and approaches a psychopathic diagnosis, considering the numbers of dead who opposed her will during the last 35 yrs. It is waaaaaaaaaaaay past time to pull the plug on the happy Clintoons and their cartel (read that as Foundations, Initiatives, ad nauseum). Criminal Minds would make a whole season from Hillary. Wait, nevermind, the BAU is a part of Comey and Loretta’s FBI, hence tainted, rotten, no longer even trustworthy. How can the good people working there stay quiet?

  2. I knew a guy like this douche back in HS, he use to have pics of hitler in his wallet and knew all of hitters speeches verbatim. Eventually life was too much for him and he hung himself. I have lots of rope back at the office for ya will, email me and I’ll have it fed ex’d to yor sorry arse. You and your kind can swing like there’s no tomorrow, and hopefully for you there won’t be.

  3. Dr. Tar, HELLO! that would be ‘you’ for Willie boi, and ‘your kind’ for anybody that follows Willkie boi and backs the kkk and their ilk. Just clairifing, thanks, and you’re welcome.

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