Hillary and the Seven Deadly Sins – IOTW Report

Hillary and the Seven Deadly Sins


Lust for money- The Clinton Foundation.

“We were dead broke when we left the white house.”

Fleecing Haiti, ravaged by an earthquake, out of millions of dollars.


Gluttony is selfishness- The Private Email Server. 

She risked the national security of U.S. citizens just to cover-up her dirty dealing of intermingling State Department deals to benefit her private foundation.



The want of material things- Rented the Lincoln Bedroom.

The Lincoln Bedroom is a public space, not owned by her, and she used it to line her own pocket. She took items belonging to the people and put them on a moving van to her own home when leaving the white house.

She wrote off used underwear as a tax deduction, to prevent her money from going to the tax collector while campaigning that the government should confiscate the wealth of a deceased person before the money goes to the decedent’s family.


The failure to do things that one should do. – Told Lies To a Fallen Soldier’s Mother

Hillary Clinton lied to the mother of a fallen soldier over that fallen soldier’s casket in order to preserve her political future, political legacy, and the resulting gravy train of enrichment.

She claims she put the country in harm’s way in order to have the convenience of using one communication device, fulfilling the more classical definition of sloth – laziness and sloppiness.


Uncontrolled hate, vengeance. – Used intimidation and the power of the government to exact revenge upon “Bimbo Eruptions.” 

Rather than leave a philandering and embarrassing man, Hillary chose to stay with her lustful husband and not give up a life of entitlement, power and money. She, instead, struck down with vengeance upon any woman who threatened her station in life by telling the truth.


Coveting the possessions of other. – Hillary embodies the keystone philosophy of the left-wing, which is the seizing of what others have.

Hillary’s worldview follows the philosophy that some have too much while others have too little. By her own definition she has “too much,” but she is not done looking for new avenues, legal or illegal, in order to obtain more riches.

Hillary stokes feelings of envy in others by deriding earners and patronizing takers, a system that intelligent people, which Hillary is, know will ultimately fail. Still, she champions this philosophy in order to retain power.


Hubris is the dangerously corrupt belief that you are more important than others, that any sin you commit is just collateral damage that needs to be accepted because you are God-like. – “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

There are not many people who could still hold their head up high after all the things Hillary knows we know she has done.

If not for the evil, ignorant or naive people that prop her up, Hillary might not have the hubris to appear in public.

But perhaps not.

My guess is that she doesn’t need the cheering of the stupid in order to march forward. She is so diseased with the deadly sins she probably hears the cheering whether anyone is there or not.

More to come




10 Comments on Hillary and the Seven Deadly Sins

  1. Star Trek! Don’t remember the episode name, but it’s perfect. Killary wallows in each deadly sin.

    God save her soul but I think that bridge has already passed and she refused.

  2. Giuliani said that she has sold so much of herself, there is nothing left.
    i believe that this life is a test. You either pass or fail. She fails.

    A special circle in Hell is being built for Clinton.

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