Hillary backers find themselves agreeing with Trump – IOTW Report

Hillary backers find themselves agreeing with Trump

AM: Do Hillary Clinton supporters back her because of what she stands for, or are they mindless lemmings who will defend anything she supposedly says?

We’re going with the latter.

Jimmy Kimmel’s crew visited the Democratic National Convention and asked attendees — likely many of them delegates — if they agreed with a series of statements supposedly made by their candidate.

Except, she didn’t say them — Donald Trump did.

“I see improved relations with Russia from a position of strength only is possible,” a woman festooned with Hillary buttons was read.

“I agree with Hillary,” she responded.

“Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities — all of our communities,” was another Trump quote read to a Hillary backer.

The man responded, “Well, I virtually have to agree with that.”


5 Comments on Hillary backers find themselves agreeing with Trump

  1. This is almost as funny as the exercise where the pictures of the candidates’ homes were pasted on a board and people had to guess which candidate lived where. Everyone thought elitist, racist Jeb lived in the home of the the fair, just, and proletariat Hillary!

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