Hillary Camp Ignored Dire Warnings From Michigan Ground Team – IOTW Report

Hillary Camp Ignored Dire Warnings From Michigan Ground Team

“Operatives watched packets of real-time voter information piled up in bins at the coordinated campaign headquarters. The sheets were updated only when they got ripped, or soaked with coffee. Existing packets with notes from the volunteers, including highlighting how much Trump inclination there was among some of the white male union members the Clinton campaign was sure would be with her, were tossed in the garbage,” Politico reports.

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6 Comments on Hillary Camp Ignored Dire Warnings From Michigan Ground Team

  1. There was a video I saw on CTH in Sept/Oct of a guy that went to a suburb of Columbus to a Hillary office for a door knocking event and no one was there except the organizers. It was actually rather sad. They had to know things weren’t going well for a long time but they chose to listen to their adoring media and pollsters and live in denial. That is the unbeatable ground game they were running.

  2. The pollsters claim this, the media said that, the newspapers all endorsed Hillary, blah, blah, blah. The “experts” missed perhaps the key indicator of Trump’s support – thousands of people showed up for his rallies and few showed up for Clinton’s staged events.

    People do not make the effort to show up unless they want change. Trump had fervent supporters, and they showed up. There were people who could not stomach a Hillary Clinton Presidency, and they showed up to see what this Trump fellow was all about. A lot of people were truly on the fence, and they attended rallies to see if Trump was real. Trump delivered at these rallies time and time again, while Hillary inspired no one.

    This article shows what an egalitarian piece of crap the Democrat party is – the limousine liberals and elite at the top were cocksure about the election, while the lowly ground workers could see the cracks forming in the dam. Hillary ran a lot of television ads, appeared on the left leaning talk shows and traded quips with the hosts, and retreated to her own privacy on several occasions while Trump worked in the trenches. sure, we may be deplorables, but Trump had no problem mingling with the deplorables and trying to find out what made us tick. I’m sure lots of Hillary people actually in the trenches saw this coming.

  3. We have a PEOTUS in Trump who is not afraid to get down in the trenches with we deplorables and get his hands as dirty as ours are. Do you think that makes an impression on us? We are the voters, we are the contributors to Trump’s campaign, the Sallies and Joes of the USA, who love what Trump stands for and what he says and will do. As to the demented hag Hillary, HELL NO. We will not have her in any form or fashion. There will be mobsters looking for her, waiting for the moment to strike. God Speed to them.

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