Hillary campaign staffers got locked in a bathroom – IOTW Report

Hillary campaign staffers got locked in a bathroom


The Clinton campaign’s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, and a half dozen female co-workers somehow got themselves locked into a bathroom in their Brooklyn Heights headquarters for nearly half an hour Wednesday. [NYP]


30 Comments on Hillary campaign staffers got locked in a bathroom

  1. I can’t even and neither could they.

    Even funnier if one of them dropped a major deuce and they all had to stand around smelling it while the air cycled out.

  2. “Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands”

    Do Democrat operatives need to be told that? Or do they just like to feel the warm gaze of the Nanny State wherever they go?

    Or maybe it’s just the bookend to the one in Hillary’s office:

    “Keep Calm and Wipe Your Fingerprints”

  3. Isn’t their tweeting about this micro-aggression towards people without bathrooms? Also, can her communications director not even write a complete sentence?

    Meanwhile, Hitlery docked them the 33 minutes they were unproductively detained.

  4. How does this happen? There’s 7 of them! Did they all get up at the same time to go leave a dump? Is this their conference room/bathroom? I suspect they all went in their to get wee-weed up on the mary jane. Dopes.

  5. 7 little girls got themselves locked in an office bathroom? All at the same time?

    Hillary’s brain trust.
    So of course, they Tweet. It’s all they know how to do.

    And how many would it take to change a light bulb?

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