Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page


Breitbart: During the last presidential debate, Hillary Clinton was asked about her support for a policy of completely open borders and an end to America’s immigration laws. She made the amazing claim that she “only meant” she wanted open borders for energy policies. Whatever her claims, Hillary Clinton is on the same open borders page as the United Nations.

During the October 19 debate, GOP nominee Donald Trump noted that, in speeches she gave to high-dollar corporations, Hillary Clinton insisted she was for open borders.

In a private, richly-paid speech that Hillary delivered to a Brazilian bank on May 16, 2013, she said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future, with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”

The section of Hillary’s address to the foreign bankers was confirmed by a release from the hacker site WikiLeaks.

For her part, Hillary claimed that she doesn’t want completely open borders and pointed to the segment of her speech where she mentioned energy and claimed she was only talking about sharing an electric grid across international boundaries.

“If you went on to read the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy,” she said during the last debate. “We trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined.”

But this seeming obfuscation doesn’t reflect many of her past claims nor even the policy proposals on her own website.


SNIP: What is the deal with her face?!

5 Comments on Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page

  1. CACKLE HEN HILL seems to be making a lot of “ooops” misstatements lately. Anyone notice? She cannot keep her lies straight, nor her two faces tweaked and synced either. Advanced Parkinson disease, yet they want someone in whom they can control, they being the UN/NWO/SOROS. and stealing the election is about all they have left. LOCK, LOAD, BE PREPARED.

  2. I saw a video on youtube last week that shows her calling for nuclear war against Russia and China over and over again in various speeches. If that POS wins, the world can kiss it’s @ss good-bye. (But she’s not going to win.) This is why her and her fellow travelers are blaming everything including the kitchen sink on Russia right now. Cuz if she were successful (which she won’t be), she’d use our husbands, wives, and children as cannon fodder to bring about Soros’ evil plans for taking over the world.

  3. I always wanted to live in a post apocalyptic world and have adventures and stuff.
    I may get that wish.
    But that was way back when I jumped and skipped for the hell of it, ran everywhere I went and could climb trees if they let me.
    I don’t need this shit right now.

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