Scandal! Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors – IOTW Report

Scandal! Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors

Wells Fargo fraud department inundated with calls from low-income Clinton supporters reporting repeated unauthorized charges.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is stealing from her poorest supporters by purposefully and repeatedly overcharging them after they make what’s supposed to be a one-time small donation through her official campaign website, multiple sources tell the Observer.

h/t Rodger

24 Comments on Scandal! Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors

  1. My favorite part:

    “The source said that pornography companies often deploy a similar arrangement pull. “We see this same scheme with a lot of seedy porn companies,” the source said. “

  2. everyone who donated to the Clinton Crime Family and got defrauded should file a complaint with their State Attorney General’s office. While they are at it, get on local news – a fair amount of them aren’t totally leftist and will gleefully report it in the interest of Sticking Up For The Little Guy. That’s thousands of negative publicity airtime against the Clinton Crime Family, on a nationwide basis.

    Even the couch-potato LoFo’s will sit up and take notice then. It will get past the Leftist filters in the mainstream media.

  3. And they know Wells Fargo will refund every unauthorized charge, even though the Clintons never paid back the bank. So either Wells Fargo will count it as donation to the clinton foundation or they will have to file a lawsuit to get the money back from them.

  4. A Conservative PAC like citizens United should start buying airtime public service announcements – If you donated $99 or less to Hillary Clinton and got multiple-charged, you are the victim of fraud. Call 1-800-FUCK-HER and we’ll file a complaint with the authorities against Clinton on your behalf….”

    Even better would be if Peter Theil the billionaire donated a few mill to the PAC, offering to double-reimburse Clinton donators if they can prove via bank statements that they got defrauded. The greed for FREE SHIT of the typical Democrat will bring them out of the woodwork in droves.

  5. This is why I do not use by bank card for anything put to buy grocery or things I need at the store. I send cash to a couple if sights I like and that’s it. How do these “poor” people enjoy getting scammed by Hillary. If they’re “poor” how come they’re giving their money away like that?

  6. Correcting my stupid mistakes above:

    This is why I do not use my bank card for anything but to buy groceries or things I need at the store. I send cash to a couple of sites I like and that’s it. How do these “poor” people enjoy getting scammed by Hillary. If they’re “poor” how come they’re giving their money away like that?


    Okay, now I feel better. Wish we had an edit link.

  7. I wrote about this here in IOWReport several days ago. Wonder why it disappeared and now is featured, BFH?

    I never saw yours. Sorry-
    But this one’s my post (Not BFH’s) and I just saw the story while I was looking at a friend’s Facebook page.
    – MJA

  8. What shows the fraudulent intent is the DNC knows if it stays below $100 per draw, it doesn’t get reported to the Federal Elections Commission as a big black eye for the Democrats. So they keep it below $100 each time.

  9. So there was already a Wells Fargo scandal where dishonest employees were stealing from clients accounts. Now we find out that they were Hilliary supporters too. What a surprise! Good thing for her campaign felons can now vote!

  10. Anonymous September 16, 2016 at 5:23 pm

    The real question, I am a Hillary supporter and donate $20 but they take out $94 in an unscrupulous fashion and I notice… Do I still vote for her?

    Sure, why not, more unscrupulous things will come your way and you have no one to blame but yourself. I don’t want to hear any whining from you in the future if she gets in either. 🙂

  11. You know what pisses me off to no end about this and Wells Fargos policy on guns. Their name and GD stagecoach logo. Merica. Fuckers piss on anything won’t they. Let’s find these asshole board of directors and ship them off naked to Pakistan.

  12. Reminds me of the old joke:

    “Hey, buddy, wanna get fucked?”
    “Heck yeah!”
    “Slide $20 through the mail slot in that door!”
    – Puts $20 into the mail slot –
    “Yo, man, nothing happened!”
    “Wanna get fucked again?”

    izlamo delenda est …

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