Hillary Clinton- Congenital Liar – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton- Congenital Liar

NewYorkPost: To hear Hillary Clinton tell it, she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest — even though she was already 6 years old when he made his famous ascent.


On a visit to war-torn Bosnia in 1996, she claimed she and her entourage landed under sniper fire and had to run “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base” — although videos of her arrival show her waltzing serenely across the tarmac, waving to the crowd.

She blamed the 2012 attack on American diplomatic and intelligence-gathering installations in Benghazi on “a disgusting video” when she knew almost from the first moment that it was a jihadist assault that took the lives of four Americans, including the ambassador to Libya.

No wonder the late William Safire, writing in The New York Times in 1996, at the height of the Whitewater investigation, called her a “congenital liar.” read more 

11 Comments on Hillary Clinton- Congenital Liar

  1. Hey kids look, it’s Sgt. Mock. She ain’t worthy to wear that combat helmet, the only combat she ever saw is fighting off bimbo eruptions and lying about everything. if barry was a lousy CIC, I can’t imagine shrillary being any better, she’d be far worse. Who’d want to fight for Lady Mac Beth, the legions of Hell and no one else.

  2. This is why she MUST NOT be allowed to tell the biggest lie of all:

    “I, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, do solemnly swear/affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

  3. I remember it well … Mrs. Rodham and I were approaching the summit of Everest, as Sir Edmund and Norgay were descending, and Mrs. Rodham called out to Sir Edmund and said “I named my daughter after you, Sir Edmund!” to which he smiled broadly and replied “Thank you, Dottie, ever so much!”

    It was about then that the firing broke out! Mortars, machine gun fire, small arms, and bazookas! Little Hillary, who was tightly tucked away in Dorothy’s knapsack, sprang into action with a grenade in each of her tiny little hands and rushed the positions of those damned fundamentalist Christians, screaming “Banzai!” and hurling grenades like confetti!

    That lovely little girl saved the entire expedition.

  4. Q. How can you tell if Hitlery Clinton is lying?

    A. Her lips are moving.


    It was so cold the other day that Hitlery had her hands in her OWN pockets!


    Oldies but goodies!!! 😆

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