Hillary Clinton Continues to Blame Others for 2016 Loss – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Continues to Blame Others for 2016 Loss

WFB: Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday continued to blame others for her 2016 loss, this time faulting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Clinton targeted the tech giant while speaking at a screening of The Great Hack, a documentary about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. She said Zuckerberg “should pay a price” for the damage she believes Facebook is doing to U.S. elections, according to the Guardian. As speculation rises about Clinton potentially jumping into the 2020 Democratic primary, she said false information on Facebook will continue to impact elections “because propaganda works.”

“It’s only going to be more powerful going forward because it is more well tested. They know what they were successful at,” Clinton said. “We are getting warning signals all the time about what is happening right now and how it is likely to affect our next election.”

Clinton went on to say Cambridge Analytica, which illegally obtained Facebook profiles to target voters, was the “tip of the iceberg.” read more

27 Comments on Hillary Clinton Continues to Blame Others for 2016 Loss

  1. Always the victim,,,
    The vast Right Wing Conspiracy, for 22 years.
    I’d list the rest but you all know that.
    Now Suckaturd!
    It use to make me mad.
    Now just LMAO,,,
    Still and again.

  2. I’m seeing more and more of this ‘reform the system’ crap out there with regards to the fbi doj, etc.

    Its the same old story. Let’s reform it and run it better.

    I’ve got no patience for dishonest moron who write that crap.

    Only one thing will clean this up. A very long time in the clink. Preferably, the rest of their lives.
    That is the only thing that will make people think twice about pulling this crap next time.

    If you read some moronic article claiming the system needs to be reformed, but them a thumbs down and two middle fingers.

  3. Gin Blossom you are 100% right. She is on the high dive and is calling for all eyes to be on her before she makes her swan dive. It’s going to be the most epic bellyflop in living memory. I can’t wait.

  4. The Lizard Queen is coming to take her rightful place as owner of the Demonrat party, Pedo Joe has sniffed one little girl head to many, Warren just self destructed, and she already knows how to cheat Bernie (just buy him another mansion).

    As the first IOTW swammi to predict this I humbly ask only that you vote against Satan and his minions every chance you get.

  5. The press will continue to protect Slow Joe and Fauxahontus until the convention, when they will suddenly uncover the stories WE have been reading on here for months. Then Hillary will ride in to the rescue. Thus keeping her off the strenuous campaign trail, which her frailty can’t handle.

  6. Like an old buzzard perched on a limb above the primaries she’s waiting for the remainder of wounded to fall when she’ll swoop down and jump in the race.
    She’s delusional enough to think she’ll win.

  7. @Trumpgender Magasexual November 5, 2019 at 5:21 pm

    > Its the same old story. Let’s reform it and run it better.
    > I’ve got no patience for dishonest moron who write that crap.
    > Only one thing will clean this up. A very long time in the clink.

    Have the old xen of The Party tell us who’s qualified to tell us The Party’s Good™? So we can pay those Party members in Good™ standing to investigate The Party? To see if Party members in Good™ standing followed The Party rules Goodly™? And what The Party rules say should be done about it? So we can be told The Party’s Good™? Same as it ever was?

    That’s, certainly, New And Improved™.

  8. Hillary is mad at Facebook for supposedly allowing deceptive or false information? This is a Clinton making this claim – the king and queen of lies and deception? Well, I just have one thing to say: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

  9. Look, I’ve already told you 2 times the answer is NO going to the Sandy Hawkins dance with you!
    ‘Cause my cousins boy scout troop told me your fugly and nasty and have cooties,,

  10. She’s ready to pupate.
    If she doesn’t run she must undergo chrysalis without the mantle of President.
    This will lessen her standing with the Lizard Overlords.
    She may even become expendable, and recycled. Or worse, allowed to pupate only to be thrown to the younglings before her wings are dry.
    The Gorn do not like to lose


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