Hillary Clinton Donor Has Second Young Gay Black Man Die in His Home – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Donor Has Second Young Gay Black Man Die in His Home

There’s a rally at Ed Buck’s home in West Hollywood in order to get the DA to prosecute this guy.

The mother of the latest victim said that Buck likes to ply young black men with drugs and film them.


Ed Buck is a gay white man in his 60’s and according Gemmel Moore’s mother, Buck has a fetish for getting young black men high.

“[Buck] would have my son to go out to… Santa Monica Boulevard looking for young gay black guys so he could inject them with drugs, see their reaction and how [they] would react and take pictures of them,” Gemmel Moore’s mother told WeHo Times last summer.


They laughed at #Pizzagate

ht/ js

36 Comments on Hillary Clinton Donor Has Second Young Gay Black Man Die in His Home

  1. It is hard to believe, but this is the second time this has happened, and with the same person in the same place. Nothing was done the first time, and not much appears to be going on this time, either. Such is the nature of california, and its politics- that his political contributions are being leveraged into retainers. Even though these multiple deaths are in LA, and regardless of my disapproval of the lifestyles involved, the victims are not ‘walk-ons’ or ‘extras’ for the enjoyment of an entitled elitist.

    I see a lot being written about this, condemning the deceased characters, mostly.
    It is time to CHECK REALITY: this guy is making drug induced snuff films and movies. How is that even remotely acceptable?

  2. So, asking the question others don’t seem to want to ask-
    How many bodies do you think this guy has been able to get out of his apartment and dump in some dark alley? There are probably more than two deaths involved with this pervert.

  3. If the FBI had half the integrity they claim they have, just one of these murders that shadow the Clintons would have been prosecuted. They are totally corrupt and feckless at hiding it.

    But they did put Martha Stewart away, there’s that.

  4. Clinton donor (probably Newsom and Brown supporter, too)?
    Illegal use of drugs?
    Dead niggrah?

    Yep … nothing to see here … move along … MoveOn …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’m sorry- this is confusing for me…
    There have now been TWO homicides in this person’s home, both victims died the same way. Both were black, gay, male. Both were given excessive amounts of drugs.

    How is this not a crime, and how is th is guy not being charged as a serial killer on top of being a sex offender?

    Someone please explain it to me. I don’t understand how anyone could get away with this.

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